Jan 13, 2011 08:40
As expected, really. But the good news is that it wasn't a complete flameout. I held steady on it until the end of the week, when I was just too tired to continue. I did walk, I did write, I did pay bills and as you can see here, I did post. I just didn't hit the mark I set.
I'm actually okay with that. What I learned from it is that even though they were baby steps, they were still too much. It wasn't that it was too much to do, it was too scattered. When I was in school, I did a lot, but it was all narrowly focused on school.
I'm still exercising; I just learned that trying to walk in this weather is insane. It started snowing heavily the third day in, and then it went to freezing rain. The weather has been cycling like that since I started the whiteboard project. I can't go walking in this stuff.
Instead, I'm doing some circuit training inside. Fast circuits of weights and aerobic bursts. If I make myself, I can get it done in 25 minutes. I'm much more sore (in a pleasant way) and I see tighter definition overall.
I'm still posting. Maybe not every day, but certainly more than I was doing before, even at school. I'm hunting around for a new job, and I'm keeping my ideas about shooting higher in mind. I have been making a better effort to pay off my bills and I'm actually saving.
I'm not writing. I'm not happy about that, but I am reading a lot (still Neuromancer, for the moment) and I am thinking more about characters and situations.
It will all get there. This is not really failure, and if it is, it's a failure I've learned from. Not bad at all.