Character Introduction: Captain Jack Harkness

Jan 20, 2008 23:52

In case 'Doctor Who' isn't much known among the superhero crowd, we thought it would be prudent to follow suit and post our profiles in the OOC , making the information easier to access than having to fiddle with going to our journals. :)

Jack: Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, 'Ooo, this could be a little more sonic'?

Character:  Captain Jack Harkness
Fandom:  'Doctor Who'
AIM: mousefantastic 
Player: Boe
Age: Older than dirt. ;)
Time Zone: EST
Connections: Rose Tyler and the Doctor (NInth Regeneration)

Point in Canon:
I have decided that this Jack exists before the end of Season One of the revived 'Doctor Who' series, before the episodes 'Bad Wolf' and 'The Parting of the Ways'.

Briefly, Jack has the tall, dark, handsome hero image going for him. He even has the dimple in his chin. He has the build of a dancer combined with the strength of a quarter-back. His passport decription reads: dark brown hair, blue eyes, fair complexion. His wardrobe favours the attire of the 1940's: trousers, undershirt, shirt, suspenders, and sturdy boots, but he does like denim and short-sleeved t-shirts and has been spotted in black leather. He is frequently seen in a long great coat of military issue made from grey wool. There is a wrist computer he always wears which has many functions beyond the technology of the 21st Century. He is frequently armed with a pistol or similar hand-held weapon of long-range destruction, and a killer smile.

PB: John Barrowman.

Important Personality Traits:
Jack used to think of himself as a coward. Being a con man seemed a poor substitute for the likes of the Doctor and Rose, who risked their lives on a regular basis to make the universe a safer place for everyone. The Doctor, apparently, saw something more, someone worth saving, and accepted him as a companion aboard the TARDIS.

He is actually brave if sometimes a bit cocky and arrogant. He uses his mind, which is very capable, and he's quick and clever with many technologies. He trusts his gut, which leads him into more complicated scenarios but keeps him focused. And he trusts his heart, which reaches out to people despite the pain and risks that loving them can cause. He is an odd combination of generous and unforgiving, playful and deadly, fixed and mercurial. Jack is a good friend to have at your back and the wrong person to try to con. Though a natural flirt and a bit of a playboy during his time with the TARDIS crew, he isn't likely to form any close relationships. He is lonely yet craves connection with other beings.

He was willing to die for the Doctor and Rose.

Canon Facts: (The Short Form)
Jack was born in the 51st Century. He is a former employee of the Time Agency, an organization which patrols and monitors events in history to ensure that no criminal activity is occuring. Something happened that resulted in the Agency wiping two years of his memory - and he wants those two years back. To get his revenge, Jack became a con artist with a stolen vessel, which was capable of time travel, tricking other time agents into purchasing valuable items that would then vanish due to some natural historical disaster. He'd get their money to continue his existence and move on.

He was searching for those missing two years and running a con in London, England, 1941, during the Blitz, when he met Rose Tyler - hanging from a barrage balloon - and the Doctor - in his Ninth Regeneration. They worked together to resolve a deadly issue which would end with the destruction of the Human race, and for which he was unintentionally responsible. The conclusion of that adventure had a bomb in stasis on Jack's ship and the stasis was failing. He'd saved the intended target - and thus, the Doctor, Rose and many other people - from certain death and condemned himself.

Sipping what he thought would be his last hyper-vodka, he wasn't expecting the TARDIS to appear on his ship and rescue him seconds away from the explosion.

'Captain Jack Harkness' isn't his real name. He assumed that identity during a visit to World War II London. The real Jack Harkness, a pilot with the American forces, died on a mission. If the time-travelling Jack even knows his real name, he hasn't shared it with anyone.

Jack shared many adventures with the Doctor and Rose, including stopping a member of the Slitheen from destroying the Earth so she could get home.

The character's canon digresses from here.

For some months the three of them traveled together, and became very close in the process. Rose had already forged a tight bond with the Doctor; she loved him, that much was obvious to Jack from the very start, and he suspected that the Doctor loved Rose - even if neither of them said it out loud. But as the three of them adventured together, Jack became very fond of both of them, letting down his guard a little here and there. The Doctor let him assist with repairs to the TARDIS, which Jack found an extraordinary gesture, and talked with him about all manner of things, like an equal, which Jack knew he wasn't. Rose let him pull stunts on her - like hiding her bra or stealing her toast or intentionally walking in while she was just getting out of the shower to hear her shriek - that made him feel like he was part of a family. He felt like he belonged. And he was falling in love with both of them.

Then things went wrong.

The trio had just finished delivering an egg to Raxacoricofallapatorius, and had decided on some relaxation. The Doctor suggested a marketplace on Sirius 6, and Rose, excited by the prospect of shopping on an alien world, readily agreed. Jack sided with her. Once on the planet, they agreed to meet back at the TARDIS after two hours. Jack took hold of Rose's hand and they plunged into the market, leaving the Doctor to wander off on his own.

He never returned.

They waited at the TARDIS until the next morning. Then they searched the market, Jack using his wrist computer to try to pick up the Doctor’s biological signature. When that yielded nothing, they returned to the TARDIS, and Jack had the ship scan the entire planet for the Doctor’s signature. At that point, it was clear that the Doctor was no longer on Sirius 6.

The Doctor had previously made Jack promise to take Rose home to her mother if anything ever happened to the Time Lord. With heavy hearts, they headed for Earth and the Twenty-first Century. However, it soon became apparent that neither Rose nor Jack was willing to give the Doctor up for lost, and they decided to search for him. Jack programmed the TARDIS to track the Doctor’s biological signature, and they were off, on the trail of the elusive and wandering Time Lord. For the past few months they’ve bounced around in the Time Vortex, arriving where the Doctor has just left, meeting his Third regeneration, fixing problems, and generally running for their lives. During this time, Jack and Rose have become even closer, and it is now clear to Jack that he loves her.

He will keep looking for the Doctor and will take care of the TARDIS and protect Rose, as his friend would expect him to do, but if he isn't careful, he'll cross one of his own personal lines and Rose will become his world.

And, yes, that really is the 'short form'.

Credit Where Credit is Due:
Please note that where the character digresses from canon was created by roseoftime, with some input from roguetimeagent, who then layered Jack's perspective, where appropriate. This is to keep the story consistent. If it looks similar to that section on roseoftime's profile, that's why.
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