And the ladies swoon.

Jan 17, 2008 14:30


Name: Yusagi
Age: 18
Time Zone: PST
AIM/YIM/MSN: Noyuichan/Yusagi2003/


Name: West Rosen
Age: 25
Fandom (If canon character): Heroes
Connections/Story: Second in Command of rebels, Brother of Aaron Rosen, Companion of Lyle Bennet, Friend of Isaac Mendez
Ability: Self propelled flight. He has more control than Nathan, but does not fly nearly as quickly.
History: West was your average, Californian high school boy, with a secret: He could fly. He took to this revelation well, and kept his secret as a prize and personal badge of self worth. No one ever found out, and aside from his lack of need for public transportation, his life continued its average path--complete with a younger brother whom he never got along with.

Everything became not normal when New York City exploded. That was when he found out his younger brother was just like him--or, close enough to count. The shock of the revelation was short lived, however. In the chaos after the explosion, laws were quickly formed to deal with the special people who had been suddenly thrust into the public eye. West and his brother were among the first family to be raided, thanks to Company files. Though the brothers combined their efforts to fight the people who raided their house, when their parents were killed in the struggle, they were captured.

A last minute break away attempt by West bought his brother an escape, but landed West in the maximum security Special prison, Moab, where he stayed for the next year. He was finally rescued from his imprisonment, when his brother returned with a small group of specials and organized a break out.

Upon gaining his freedom, West chose to join up with the rebellion of specials that bought his freedom, and spent the next five years fighting against Sylar.

Now that their goal has finally been reached, West is among those without homes to return to, and chooses instead to help with the moving efforts, and setting up a home for destitute Specials.

Sample Post (250 words or more): Nuh-uh.

PB: Nicholas D'Agosto

LJ: rosenboy
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