Alphabete Meme

Dec 27, 2008 10:00

- Available: To a select few
- Age: 34
- Annoyance: stupid people
- Animal: vegetable, mineral

- Beer: local, microbrew, fruity
- Birthday: June 3
- Best Friends: rob, nataly, steph, lilyan, patty
- Body Part on opposite sex: well, I guess the part the opposite sex has that I don't
- Best feeling in the world: orgasm
- Been in Love: oh, yes!
- Been on stage?: yes
- Believe in Magic: no.  Magik? sorta. (lulz)
- Believe in God: not the Judeo-Christian one, no
- Believe in Santa: yes

- Candy: chocolate truffles
- Color: purple or red
- Chocolate/Vanilla: sorbet, I'm supposed to be dairy-free
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Continent/Country to visit: Africa
- Cheese: again, I'm supposed to stay clear of dairy.  I do, however, love blue cheese

- Day or Night: day
- Dance in the rain? yes

- Eggs: love 'em
- Eyes: Brown
- Everyone's got: a little peace in their heart
- Ever failed a class?: no, I don't think so.  My geology teacher tried to fail me but I saved the day at the last minute with a bunch of lab reports he somehow had missed to record the grades for.

- Food: yes, please

- Greatest Fear: i try not to name these things
- Goals: keep on keepin' on
- Gum: Orbitz raspberry
- Get along with your parents?: Father:  no, and now he's dead.  Mother:  yes, although we have a 5 day limit on time spent together before we want to strangle each other
- Good luck charm:  no, but we charge and travel with poz-energy stones

- Hair Color: brown
- Height: 5' 3"
- Happy: yes
- Holiday: Longest Night
- How do you want to die: quickly and without my knowledge

- Ice Cream: really not worth the gastro-intestinal discomfort
- Instrument: guitar

- Jewelry: I hardly wear any.  When I was pregnant, I had to give it up because it drove me nuts and now I'm just out of the habit.  I do wear my wedding band, and I like dangly earrings and bangle bracelets and long necklaces with interesting pendants.
- Job: tax examiner

- Kids: 3
- Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing looks fun.
- Keep a journal?: yes.

- Longest Car Ride: LINY to San Diego, CA
- Love: I am very lucky in that area!
- Letter: L
- Laughed so hard you cried: watching Char and Emma play House and Cuddy

- Milk flavor: I don't like milk.
- Movies: I have lots of favs.  Off teh top of my head:  Mask, White Christmas, Tommy Boy, Casablanca
- Motion sickness?: Yep.  I can't read in a moving vehicle.
- McD’s or BK: I don't care for either.  If I have to have fast food, I go to Checkers.

- Number of Siblings: 0 full, I have some half-siblings out there.  My dad was kinda slutty.
- Number of Piercings: just my ears
- Number: 44

- One wish: world peace
- Perfect Pizza: Umbertos.  Victorio's is pretty good too. 
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke is it.

- Quail: no thanks

- Reason to cry: beauty
- Reality T.V.: rare indulgence
- Radio Station: we've got sirius/xm.  I like the coffeehouse station.  Oh, WFUV (Fordham Uni radio) is pretty good.
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: just did
- Ring size: No idea. My fingers are pretty fat though.  I grew them that way to match my thighs.

- Song:  "Our" song is Wild Horses, The Sundays version
- Shoe size: 8 or 8.5
- Salad Dressing: raspberry Walnut
- Sushi: Not a fan.
- Skipped school: some of my best memories happened while skipping school!
- Slept outside: yes
- Skinny dipped?: many times.
- Shower daily: almost every day---there are days I skip it and days I take two or three showers.
- Sing well?: I'm OK
- In the shower?: Yes
- Swear?: shit, yeah
- Strawberries/Blueberries: blueberries

- Time for bed: between 12 and 1 am in general
- Thunderstorms: I love to watch them roll in off the water.  I grew up on the beach, summer thunderstorms are like a free light show.

- Unpredictable: I don't think I am....

- Vacation spot: Cape May, NJ is a family fav.  I'd like to go up to London, Ontario when we next have money and time burning holes in our pockets.  And in a few years, I'd like to take the kids to Europe.

- Weakness: procrastination
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Emma.  She's my kid for sure.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Rob.  Duane's a close second, but when he does it it's generally unintentional.
- Worst feeling: anxiety
- Wanted to be a model?: not really
- Where do we go when we die?: anywhere we want, just like when we are alive
- Worst Weather?: cold, grey, icey

- X-Rays:  no, thanks
- Exes: I don't usually keep in touch.  I figure, if I'm done, I'm done yk?

- Year it is now: 2008, soon to be 2009.
- Yellow: Not a fan

- Zoo animal: I like the monkey house

1. Slept in a bed beside you?:Rob.  Char was in there this morning too.
2. You went to the mall with?: my mama
3. You went to dinner with?: Rob and the kids
4. You talked to on the phone?: my mama
5. Made you laugh? Char
6. Hugged you? Rob
7. Said they loved you? Julian
8. Held your hand? Rob
9. Spoke with?: Rob
10. You cried over? Fiona.  RIP, angel
11. Last person you texted? Rob or twitter.  those are really the only two I ever txt, actually.  lolz

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