Apr 02, 2004 12:10
Alright so I've rounded up a montley crew to play some music... an dI'm likeing what I'm hearing thus far. Once we got to jamming things seemed to fall into place relatively well.It sounded good. Even when we were just messing around, it still sounded better than a lot of thee stuff out there. I guess that's where talent comes in handy. And no, I'm not bragging cuz, well, I didn't even play anything. I'm singing. but the boys I'm with.....extremely talented group of musicians. excellent. and I think there is a general agreement on a name already. "Something Undone". Hey, I like it and I didn't even come up with it; and I've got literally hundreds of name ideas written down.so that 's the news for now.... Alan Brown on drums, David Cook on guitar, Mark Mchone on bass, and myself on the microphone. As for a secondguitar player... we'll see. I might do it, or we may not have one.... or maybe ol' eric will decide that if he actually wants to go somewhere withhis music that he'll give me a call back. But hey, it's his loss if he doesn't...cuz this band's going somewhere. I'd just like to bring him in though...cuz our vocals sound good together and the boy can play. I just hope he's not to high on his "acoustic album" that he overlooks real talent.Ha, I think he just doesn't have that much faith in me cuz I wasn't the best bass player around. when I was dealing with him.... eih, whatever...if he knows what's good for him then he'll pick up or call back the next time I call. Cuz I know he's got something to bring to the table. but hey it's cool...I'm not relying on it, just looking at it as something that could be added. and I'm out like janet jackson's titty atthe super bowl. HA!!! came up with that one on my own