I've had an eventful, exhausting and beautifying last week or so. I got sick while at work Wednesday, a thing I'd rather not have happen since now I could be responsible for tossing flu virus around the baby nursery. Luckily, as far as I know, no baby I held last Wednesday got sick!
I slept for most of Thursday and Friday, but there were a few highlights. Wightfaerie had sent me a Christmas parcel back in early December that didn't come and didn't come. We were about to give up the ghost when ta-da! When I was low and feeling ill, the post lady rang and tossed a box into my hands. Wowee! WF had made me bracelets, sent cookies and a Starsky and Hutch pillow! Christmas in March. ;-)
As you can see, Starsky the cat liked the pillow very much. It wasn't until I'd taken this picture that I noticed something very intriguing.
Look at the cat's eye and then notice the button on Starsky's blue shirt. They look so similar, it's like Starsky cat has snuggled under Starsky's jacket for a cuddle. ;-)
Being a single mom with a busy daughter doesn't allow one to lie about. I had my friend over on Thursday night who nicely cooked me dinner,(she did tell me today that I'd given her the flu) and Friday night we went over to my mother's house for dinner with family. By Saturday, Mom got the flu, too. ;-(
Saturday, the toilet overflowed, filling our little bathroom and flowing into the ceiling of the man who lives downstairs. AGH! No nap for me before we picked up a friend's daughter to take she and Demelza to another friend's birthday party. I'm usually up on the dance floor, but not this time. Instead, I had my first ever manicure at the party! Now I'd done my own nails many times, but this is the first time a professional has painted them. Boy, she was fast and very accurate--no drips on the fingers or blotches of polish. I got gold sparkles.
Sunday, I sang in the church choir, still feeling a bit exhausted, but not horrible. By the time we went to a family dinner to say goodbye to my visiting sister's family, I was feeling totally better! A weird virus--mostly just complete exhaustion and a cough for three days.
Monday I was feeling so well I worked 12 hours to help pay for---the new toilet we got today. Still fielding calls from the insurance people about the claims for the guy's ceiling. ;-( Washing my hands up to ten times an hour did a number on my pretty nails, but they looked good for one day.
In other news--got three day park hopper tickets for going to Disneyland soon. So that's something to look forward to! And the choir director gave me a little solo in our song for the end of April. He actually offered me a bigger one, but it was so low, I didn't feel as confident singing that as the higher, but shorter part.
How was your week?