[OOC] Character Relationships

Jun 11, 2020 08:22

Last Update: 10/02/10


  • family - the highest form of relationship that Simon can form with someone. At this level you have been accepted as a permanent part of his life, and are irreplaceable.
  • friend - Simon considers you to be special to him; whether you talk to him a lot, or you treat him kindly, or he trusts you with his life experiences... either way, he will support you.
  • ally - Simon is not particularly close with you, but you have made something of an impact on his life in a positive way.
  • neutral - He hasn't made a decision on you, one way or the other.
  • enemy - He does not like you one bit. Meeting with him will involve some animosity.
  • trusted - Someone Simon will easily approach or actively seek out; he will share information about his life and listen to your problems.
  • not yet trusted - Simon is still making a decision about whether or not to open up to you.
  • not trusted - You've done something to earn his distrust; this is a difficult status to undo.
  • ♥ - (rated 1-5) Simon cares for you in some way. Usually reserved for friends and family. Upon reaching 5 hearts, a 6th can be added if he loves that character. (Red for romantic, green for familial.)
  • o - (rated 1-5) Simon is still figuring you out, trying to determine whether or not you and he are friends. These fill up quickly and, upon surpassing 5, move to hearts.
  • x - (rated 1-5) Usually reserved for neutral or below; this means that Simon either dislikes you, was annoyed by you, or considers you to be an enemy.



Kamina is everything to Simon- beyond everything. His brother, his hero, the source of every bit of confidence and strength that Simon has , it all stems from Kamina and the faith his brother has in him. He is that one special someone with whom Simon is never afraid to be himself, for better or worse, and without whom Simon feels incomplete. His life is truly bound with Kamina's, and he honestly can't imagine life without him; even after living in Luceti without Kamina for a year, knowing the man was waiting back home for him was enough to keep him going strong. Kamina makes him feel invincible, because to him, Kamina is invincible... and if he seems like he isn't, Simon is determined to be there beside him, protecting him the same way Kamina watches over him.

How Simon feels about Kamina really is beyond description. Kamina is precious; Kamina is irreplaceable. Kamina is his bro.

family | trusted | ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥




albert silverberg.
His experience with Albert is limited to a few meetings in regards to the tunnelling system is perpetually digging due to one disaster after another, as well as the fact that he's Raine's housemate. He respects the man with a certain level of awe; he's never seen an adult so in control of himself at all times. It's baffling, really.

ally | not yet trusted | o o


anise tatlin.
Simon thinks Anise is very sweet, friendly, and he couldn't ask for someone more fun to hang out with. He likes her, but he's not really sure if he like-likes her because he doesn't actually know what like-like means. She makes him flustered a lot, but she also makes him smile, so overall he doesn't know what to make of their quirky little relationship. One thing is undeniable, though- she's very, very important to him, and if she's ever in a pinch, he won't hesitate to step up to the plate and fight for her if necessary, even though she could probably kick ass with Tokunaga more than he can on his own at his current confidence level.

More recently he's been feeling the urge to do special things for her, but his shyness is a very, very difficult thing to overcome. He needs a bit more of a boost to go beyond friendship, and while he has a few ideas, his courage has still taken too many blows lately to move forward the way he'd like. He's not giving up, though!

friend | trusted | ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


emil castagnier.
Simon has very mixed feelings about Emil; on one side, he's a nice kid, kind of quiet and shy, but very polite. Simon can see them becoming friends. But then again, there's Ratatosk, who complicates matters somewhat. At first Simon hated Ratatosk; he finds the spirit cruel and rude, and in some ways it seems like he's actively trying to make himself completely unlikable. Seeing him with the little Marta statue Simon had made, however, made Simon rethink matters, so he's going to give them both another chance if they meet again.

neutral | not yet trusted | o o o


Simon doesn't know her very well, but he appreciates her map-making skills. Especially since he would be oh-so fail at moving his tunnel navigation to paper form without her help. She's also a pretty cool person, and a pirate to boot. He'd like to get to know her a little more.

neutral | not yet trusted | o


raine sage.
Simon adores Raine. She's his very important teacher! Simon at age 14 finds school more tedious than he did when he was 7, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He sort of absorbs everything Raine says because he finds learning about new worlds so interesting, so even if the theory and math and english lessons often go in one ear and out the other, he will still be going to school every day it's running, ready to try. He respects Raine a lot.

friend | trusted | ♥ ♥ ♥


Sanji helped Simon out while he was trying to think of a way to impress Anise; he offered to let the boy visit the One Piece crew and learn to prepare a meal. One can only imagine how that went :|; But Simon found Sanji fun to talk to. He thinks Kamina would approve of pirates.

neutral | not yet trusted | o


Sigmund is very much an unknown entity to Simon; he finds the man serious and intimidating, though he's sure Sigmund is a good person, since he's offered to teach people how to defend themselves. Simon is eager to learn and hopeful that he won't disappoint, but his confidence is on shaky grounds right now, so he'll be a bit cautious for at least a few lessons.

neutral | not yet trusted | o


...Talk about awkward. Simon originally met Ted during an event, when he was... well, a dick, and when Ted was dickless. They argued, fought, and in general hated each other. Meeting post-event, however, they both discovered that each was a pretty decent person. Simon likes Ted now, though he's hoping the awkwardness from before hasn't ruined any chance of forging some sort of friendship. He's even more shy than usual because of it.

neutral | not yet trusted | o o


Simon thinks Vash is awesome. Aside from a level of enthusiasm closer to Kamina's than anyone else in Luceti that he knows, Simon appreciates Vash's ability to make him feel at ease, whatever the situation. Even if he's being teased, he greatly appreciates the older man's company, and enjoys whenever they meet.

friend | trusted | o o o o



cloud strife.
Since Cloud was crucial to Simon's early Luceti development, I'm keeping him on here no matter what. Simon is sort of in emotional limbo with Cloud; they don't talk like they used to, and Simon has trouble thinking of what they should or even can talk about. He remembers Cloud being his father, but he's old enough to know now that he's... well, too old for that, and Cloud's not ready for it anyway. Unfortunately they're all social retards in their own ways, so it's one messed up little family for Simon. ...So basically the same as always sans the cuddles.

friend | trusted | ♥ ♥


peony upala malkuth ix.
Simon's honestly not sure how he feels about Peony. He's intimidated by him and Jade; the older adults who seem to take pleasure in trolling mercilessly, particularly where Anise is concerned. He's a little mortified when they talk to him. He knows Peony isn't being outright mean about it, Simon's just terrible at dealing with it.

ally | not yet trusted | ♥


aerith gainsborough.
Considering he's usually surrounded by strong, noisy, bigger-balls-than-his women, meeting and getting to know nice, playful Aerith has been a real pleasure. As a kid it was a bit weird that she was so nice to him, though not as weird as it had been when he initially came to Luceti and other girls were nice to him, seeing as in his village the girls seemed to enjoy calling him names and such. Makes him happy, though, because he likes girls.

ally | trusted | ♥



ally | trusted | ♥


stella telmes coolidge.
Stella, Senel and Sophie provided him, as a child, with a safe haven and an extra home whenever Cloud was off doing something or being crazyface or otherwise occupied, and Simon remembers that most about her. These days he thinks of them as more like family friends, but since he's sort of drifted away from Cloud, he's not really sure where he stands with everyone who's technically "Cloud's friends". And since Simon's used to losing people, but he's also sort of mentally clingy and needy with those he loves, he's not really sure what to do. So he's really happy when Stella approaches him for whatever reason, but he's more cautious about approaching her and pushing himself on people. He's just too darn shy for his own good. But he loves her and her family, he really does.

friend | trusted | ♥



enemy | not trusted | x x x






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