[OOC] HMD / Information Post

Jun 13, 2020 05:12


Bothered by how I RP Simon? Want to comment on something I've done with the character? Click the link above to give me a piece of your mind, good or bad.

Name: Simon
Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Time Period: Between episodes 7 and 8.
Wing Color: Light blue
History: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_(Gurren_Lagann)


Personality: Simon is pretty difficult to sum up. On the surface he's still a kid - young, occasionally immature, and indecisive in that he's not sure what to do with himself half the time. Still, his care for those he knows is unmatched, and he has an incredible ability to forgive those who have wronged him. Simon is a leader, but not necessarily at heart; he's great at inspiring people to act due to Kamina's encouragement, but he feels lost in situations where he's on his own. He's also not hard to influence, particularly by those he admires. He's easily depressed, but also easily tugged back into a good mood. He could be called bipolar in a sense, but he's not that sporadic - everything he feels, he feels for good reason. Additionally, losing the people he cares about can devastate him.

Being a shy kid at heart, he didn't really have any friends in his village, which is where Kamina comes in. The elder boy took it upon himself to look after Simon, calling them "Soul Brothers" and helping him see the fun and rowdy side of life (and more often than not the delinquent side, too), teaching Simon that it was okay to let loose, rebel, and fight the powah. Because of this Simon not only views Kamina as his best and closest friend, but also someone to look up to for, while not the wisest kind of advice, usually the kind that brings a smile and a fair bit of confidence to everyone involved. Simon idolizes Kamina to the point that it's practically unhealthy. Simon's also learned not to be bothered by a complete lack of personal space, since there's no such thing as a bubble of privacy to Kamina.

Expanding on that... a huge part of Simon's behaviour is due to Kamina's support, and thus should never be omitted. Simon relies strongly on Kamina's perception of him and the belief that the elder boy has in Simon. More often than not, Simon can't accomplish what Kamina knows he can unless Kamina himself has given him some kind of encouragement. Nothing gives Simon more strength than Kamina's belief in him. Even after Kamina is gone, Simon still holds on to the words, "Believe in me who believes in you" as well as "Believe in you who believes in yourself", both of which become the pillars of Simon's existence for most of his life. (Not to mention "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!") Simon's taken from before Kamina's gone, but that doesn't change his dependence on his brother. He has the potential to become incredibly strong and stand on his own, but he's not there yet.


Physical: Simon is an accomplished digger; he was the best in his village, despite his young age, and could drill through man-sized tunnels at incredible speeds. He seems to possess an innate gift at finding just the right places to dig, and can drill tirelessly all day if necessary. He also has a lot of Spiral Power, though it's difficult to utilize without Lagann to plug the Core Drill into. He's been known to alter the weather and objects in nature according to his emotions - it's likely that he's able to stir up the Spiral Power within other living things (even the world itself) and literally cause explosive results. With enough willpower he can tear a hole through a man's chest using the Core Drill.

Mental: Simon is pretty level-headed when he's not panicking or letting fear overwhelm him. Despite his young age, he's actually quite the strategist; he's able to work out a plan to take down an enemy battleship in a matter of seconds. He also knows when he's outmatched, when it's time to pull back and regroup/rework the battle plan.

As for his mental capacities outside of battle, he's very shy and quiet, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He understands people more than he lets on. He's also pretty skeptical of what doesn't sound logical, but he often goes along with it anyway, mostly because Kamina says they're doing it.

Emotional: Simon is very open and caring; he bonds easily with people despite having a history of abuse from the majority of his village peers. He's been insulted or dismissed by practically everyone his age except Kamina, so he can be pretty needy about affection. He's shy and gentle, and while he's still mentally very young, he has strong feelings and doesn't really suppress them.


Physical: He's tiny. Like 4 feet tall tiny. And he has no visible muscles... to sum it up, he looks like a total pushover. In canon he general relies on Lagann for battles, and it isn't till later that he's shown to have any sort of hand-to-hand combat abilities. He can fight with his drill, but chances are he'd be easily overwhelmed in a serious hand-to-hand battle, especially with the types hanging around Luceti.

Mental: Simon is something of a cynic, so while he takes things seriously for the most part, he's probably the first to go "what, this won't work" which results in someone (read: Kamina) doing the impossible and making him a believer - or, alternatively, pressuring Simon into doing it himself. He's also easily pushed into things, though this isn't necessarily a bad thing; Kamina's influence over him wavers between encouragement and enforcement of his own abilities. Some might say he expects too much of Simon and Simon expects too little, so the real trick to their partnership is finding a happy medium.

Additionally, he used to have a terrible phobia of earthquakes, but the series kind of nulled that when he reached the surface; without Lagann it's likely that they'll still make him nervous, but not to the same extent as before.

Emotional: He's kind of emotionally fragile. The loss of his parents, years as an orphan with no friends besides Kamina, have taken its toll; when he's hurt, he's hurt bad, and it lingers until someone can either soothe his pain or knock some sense into him, a la Nia or Kamina.

Coming eventually. Maybe.



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