Over on the post about my paper presentation this weekend, the issue of genre was brought up because I didn't address it in the paper but I definitely asked about it in the survey. I decided not to include it in the paper because it involved defining and explaining terminology (genfic, het, slash) that I just didn't have time for, and I wasn't sure
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I can see how that might have been an issue for a lot of people. The Tolkien fandom as a whole was certainly not open or accepting when I encountered it! Much less so than the world I had been living in for quite some time. I had not heard such reactionary BS in literally decades as what I stumbled upon in the Tolkien fandom. I found it hard to be polite about it and it did me lasting damage. It used up all my patience ( ... )
I continue to wonder. (I do not consider the biography reliable, since Carpenter clearly wrote what he thought Tolkien's readers desperately wanted to read. From the letters, we know that Tolkien was a fan of Mary Renault, too, so that suggests he at the very least wasn't stopped from enjoying a story if it had homosexual characters in it.) There are some pretty strong parallels between the Thangorodrim rescue and the Prometheus myth, along with some Ganymedes thrown in. Depending on how far you're willing to take those hints...
(After all, Tolkien was classically trained before he turned to Old English. He also played Mrs. Malaprop in a school performance of The Rivals. OMG TOLKIEN CROSS-DRESSED!I don't think Tolkien thought that out, of ( ... )
My main impulse when I first read Maedhros/Fingon in the texts is that it was obviously implied--that this would be less clear to me than it would have to Tolkien with his classical education and all. Hey, but what do I know? People still argue about the nature of the implied relationship between Achilles and Patroclus--which was obvious to me as an innocent Catholic schoolgirl. And so romantic.
Meanwhile, we have Tolkien's life-long belief in the fundamental and most satisfying friendships in life were among men (which could weigh the scale in either direction). Nothing sexual in his case onee presumes, but intense and limited to the same sex; which by my youth was strange indeed.
Haha! I remember when that awkward Troy movie came out, some people were all "See? They're just cousins!" while others calmly pointed out that this just meant their love was incestuous on top of homosexual... (Hence the icon, of course.)
Not sexual, but certainly romantic, I'd think. And yes, kind of strange. But then, people believe all sorts of funny things about sex and love. In ancient Japan, it was well-known that true love was only possible between men, and only if one of them was superior in age or rank. Like, you had a wife because you needed children, but everybody knew that if you ever found romantic love, it would be with a man. Funny how things go.
Darth's 22 Words You Never Thought Tolkien Would Provide certainly suggests that, in the early years, Tolkien envisioned a world that wasn't quite as sexless as the canatics would like to think.
In LaCE we're told that "the union of love is indeed to [the Eldar] great delight and joy"
I remember being rather surprised that Tolkien was that explicit! This isn't the joyless for-procreative-purposes-only sex that, to take the word of more conservative writers, was all that existed in his world. And L&C isn't exactly an early text like the wordlists Darth used and so can't be so easily written off as inspired by the randiness of youth ... ;)
Well, it's the Jewish/ old testament stance on sex, really. The whole thing. "Sex is fun and meant to be, but only between married couples." (I am obviously paraphrasing.) So it means Tolkien isn't sticking to the Catholic interpretation (OMG!), but it's still a Biblical tradition. ;)
This destroyed me when I first read it last night. My heart sank a little at the end of the first sentence, thinking that thin skin and grocery list of ailments to which Tumblr is prone had rubbed off on you. Then I got to the second sentence! :D
I don't want a fictional world without a spectrum of sexual preference and gender identification.
Amen. And I continue to insist that the texts support that position more than the canatic's totally heteronormative Arda.
Or to the reader/writer who wants to believe in the ideas about those things as detailed in Law and Customs might believe those messy (and wonderful) parts of being human might have been eradicated: one can read the stories, their victories and their failures, quite the contrary, the Eldar, for example, are beautifully, painfully, tragically, and spectacularly human. Then with that comes all the baggage--the infinite variations on these questions among humankind! Who wants to even imagine life without all that?
I do suffer from a sort of fandom PTSD and Tumblr has aggravated it for me because the lecturing and hectoring reminds me of the Bad Old Days. Entering the Tolkien fandom with its homophobic, anti-m/m and anti-f/f elements and people calling for warnings about sex (other than simply noting there is adult content) and the phobia about handling things that happen in real life like infidelity or sex outside of marriage or whatever, surprised and appalled me. It looked and felt and smelled like censorship to me. And this was supposed to be fun and art and storytelling. Truth is I don't like to be told what to write by anyone.
On the last sentence ... neither do I. It's really quite easy for people to avoid my work if they don't like what I have to write about.
It has been a fairly incredibly stressful week (or couple of months!) for me. Feeling better today.
I forgot to tell you. I did get to go through the entire presentation (both the recording and on paper). It's excellent. It was quite an organization task to handle so much material, retain the contain and purpose, within such strict limits. The accompanying handout was really useful tool.
Hmmm, but still admiring the female beauty or loving to read about the attraction between two women: it should not place you under suspicion of anything. I know that most people feel comfortable to place people into definitions, but that irks me personally. You are you.
I did not ask about sexual orientation on the survey.
Thank you for the link to the femslash flowchart and to your post, which I commented on and hope I will catch on Tumblr. (You will reblog it on the SWG at least, I hope: 8^)
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