Just to let you folks know, in case you don't know already, that I will be doing some posting to a
blogspot I started while I was in China because I couldn't get to
LiveJournal through Chinese servers. However, I could access
blogger.com; I imagine that this is because of
Google's ownership of Blogger, which likely allows
Blogger a certain amount of extended access into the Chinese Internet marketplace.
In case you're curious, it's called
j is for jmaginary. I'm hoping to use it to discuss creative, intellectual, and other interesting ideas of a more professional nature as I hope it will be affiliated with some future, possibly creative, endeavours under the jmaginary umbrella. I think I may continue to post things of a more personal, trivial, or otherwise diurnal nature here. I have not decided as to whether or not to cross-post.
At the moment,
j is for jmaginary contains only one published post about
Estonia; I am working on another about travelling in China, which was the original reason for the creation of
j is for jmaginary. For the critical, interested, and learned among you, please reserve judgement until I've had a chance to edit it down from its precarious, rambling length. I was a little over-eager to get a first post down and out the door. It really needs to be quartered down to a reasonable length.
Oh, and I have lost nearly everyone's emails. If I haven't emailed you in the past few months, please do so. I don't have your email. If you don't know my email, ask
witchnyn or reply via friend-post.