Dec 27, 2010 08:43
If you are even still around, you'll probably notice that I've been awfully quiet here lately. It's not for a lack of interest on my part--as a matter of fact, I still read here pretty much every day. Rather it's been a two-pronged issue. The first is that there's been some changes at work, and we now must clearly state our affiliation if we wish to comment on anything even tangentially related to our industry in our own private social networking pursuits. While I've never been one to go crazy ranting about other companies, I do like to comment on marketing at times, and it sort of took the wind out of my sails to have to worry that I might accidentally let slip some comment that could be construed as being in violation of the new policies.
Secondly, there just hasn't been all that much time to blab. When the school year started, we were dumped back into a pretty hectic schedule, and I've been playing a lot of "catch up" on the weekends. We also had to deal with some weird medical stuff with Per. He never just gets sick, he always gets these "Hmm, what is actually going on here?" sorts of puzzles where all the doctors come look at him and we have to drag him off to see a bunch of specialists. House would love my kid, I tell ya!
Overall things are going well--no major complaints, and few minor ones either. Had some fun concerts to go to in November & December, was pretty busy at work, and had some nice relaxing holidays. I can't imagine that I'm going to post much anytime soon, but I remain busy on a few different fronts, so that keeps me happy. :)