When I say I'm OVER Sean being my roommate, it simply can not be stressed enough. I'M OVER IT! I can't remember if I mentioned this previously because I try not to complain too much because no one wants to hear me whine and many think I should've kicked his ar$e to the curb long ago? Anyway, he was served papers giving him notice to evacuate the premises before Midnight of December 31st. Sure, it's painful for anyone to move during the holidays, but keep in mind that we broke up LAST OCTOBER. He's had well-over a year to get it together and find someplace to live or a place to store his belongings. Has he done that? No. Not even when he's handed links with website information on lower-economic housing or phone numbers of places to contact. He has all of the capability and resources at his disposal: unlimited nights and weekend hours to get cracking on things, but instead he chooses to either sit around drinking wine, playing video games and watching TV on Netflix, or talking for hours on end to his new girlfriend in Walla Walla, Washington. Who has been duped into falling in love with him and being talked into moving to Florida next year so they can live together. He's even decided that she's THE ONE and has his Grandmothers diamond ring all ready to propose to her. Of course, he truly may be in deep and in love with her and that's fine, but to ask someone to marry them when you've only met twice in real life and one of those meetings was over 15 years ago. She even bought him a plane ticket to visit her during Christmas. Whaaaaaat? Bwuahahaha.
Last night I brought up an idea that instead of him "putting all of his expensive Transformer toys and important belongings in his truck for safe-keeping", that maybe he should rent a storage unit and his bed, dressers, television and more could be dry and not sitting in a broken-down vehicle that is parked in front of the house. Which of course I hope he takes with him when he goes. He refuses to listen to reason and instead decided that picking a fight and arguing with me was the best way to deal with things. He told me that his mother thinks that "I'm silly for throwing him out and why couldn't I give him a few more months until Adrienne gets here?" Now whether or not she really said that - it's none of my business and believe me, once he's out - so is she and all of the contact we had previously. His mom refuses to help him in anyway, both financially or emotionally. Which means she's bailed him out time-and-time again and is sick of helping Sean. Last time I spoke to her, she essentially told me that he was a grown man who needed to handle his own affairs. I don't deny that at all and it's long overdue, but he is in over his head and you think that she could do something to make things smoother. Nope. That's a cold heart that even I can't understand. Even I've given him more than any ex-girlfriend should, not that he cares. He told me that if I kick him out and move his stuff while he's in Washington, that he'll come back and rip out all of the cabinets and household things he built for me. I told him "FINE. Take it all. See what that gets you."
Sigh. I'm done. Stick a fork in me and flip me over so the whole world can kiss my a$$.