Jun 24, 2005 17:32
Right then, lake luise was everything everyone said it would be... Stunning. Amazing, if you like the outdoor life you'll probably have a severe pupil dilation emergency or SPDE. I climbed serveral of the mountains reaching about 3000 meteres, the twonship itself was at an elavation of about 1470 metres from memory but i could very well be wrong, either way it was quite high. Lake luise for the uniformed is bear country... a second warning... BEAR COUNTRY. Yes i did see a few grizzlies and no i didn't stick around to do a personal interview or take that award winning 2 feet away picture of me shaking hand-Paw with the star dressed in the latest rage. Call me chicken i don't mind.
The walks and lake itself was stunning as well if you gathered that from my inital sentencing and the hostle was lovely as well, if extremly expensive. Stayed there for two nights so 3 ish days then headed back to calgary and there i rest till the 29th i think. Catch up with the fellas from school and have a few BBq's in this country's summer, the floods are over now i missed them terribly and ill fly off to hawaii 29th. I guess ill talk to you there.