Just so you know eh?

Jun 20, 2005 20:19

SO hello.
yep here i am back in vancouver, tis a nice area with as high a rating as melbourne, accordingly anywho, im not sure if i place it THAT high but yeh it is a nice city. Hired out a bike whilst i was here and rode around again, went to a huge park.."stanley park" to be prisise and was doing all the oo's and ahh's nessasary when suddenly out of the blue, or should i say grey sky it started bucketing down with rain, naturally soaking me to the bone by the time i got back to the bike hire place. still i had it for about 2 hours and it only cost me about 3 dollars so good price.
Went up the local mountain in 8 minutes, though was because i was lazy and i took the gondola up the side of it, but got to see timber wolves and black bears and the like roaming around in their habitats, even a few burly woodcutters. Took a gander at a place called suspension bridge which is a cool enough place with some nice track walks amongts the tops of some tree's and learnt some things.
Went up to victoria on the vancouver island as well couple of days ago and enjoyed myself very tha-roughly. slept in the sun, bathed in the water, stroled round museums and the like, you know all that hard kind of stessful work that you lot might be encountering back home. now im back in vancouver, though leave at 12:00 tonight to go to lake luise which should be a lovly spot, should take around 15 hours i thhink.
well i guess ill update you with more of the davo news forcast when i get there, and i hope that you are now well informed as to some of my doings.
take it easy
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