(no subject)

Mar 29, 2007 17:59

My horoscope says it all:

You are being pulled in two ways now. You may need to withdraw from social obligations so you can just chill out. But simultaneously, an inner voice reminds you of how much fun you have when you are with other people. You first must push through all your old resistances. Pick your playmates carefully and you can have the best of both worlds.

...well, thats actually not nearly everything, but it works. And the last line sounds nice, but won't ever happen. Math has just really brought down my mood and everything. I feel depressed again, and my three tests today arn't helping matters. I feel so doomed to fail. I am, after all, failing! I want to quit or take an easier path, but it's way to late in the game. But here's what will happen:
I will, eventually, graduate
I will apply to grad school
a) If I get in I will go, and become more in dept. But then I might find a good job. Maybe in AK. Maybe I'll get to travel. Maybe I'll build a house. I'll be happy.
b) If I don't get in I will have to go back to college anyways and become something like a teacher. I'll live in Tucson. Make not so good money. Do art. I'll be happy.
c) Maybe neither of those things will happen. Maybe I'll just marry some rich guy. Maybe I'll start working out a lot right now and become a fisherman and get rich. Maybe I'll die.

There. See. I don't care. I really just want it all to be over now. I want to just skip ahead to whatever ends up happening because I AM SO SICK OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...back to studying
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