Roller coaster over a past few months

Apr 08, 2008 23:06

Well, it has been awhile since I last updated.  A lot has happened since then.  Ill go with some of the biggest, most recient things.  Band tour, break up, confusion.  
Well, band tour was a mix of amazing times and kind of sucky times.  I thought band tour drama would be over in college, not so.  I tried to stay clear of it all, I even sat with my mute and a tuba mute near the front, but I was still sucked in at times.  Not to mention I caught a 24 hour flu on the day we played in Des Moines, alone with the English Horn player and a French horn player.  The English Horn player and myself couldnt play, which I really wish we could have, and she had some big solos.  Colorado was amazing!  The mountains were so beautiful.  But playing at 9,000 feet compared to 600 is a big difference.  And playing basketball at the homestay wasnt the best idea, lungs hurt so bad afterwards, but fun time.  I could go on and on about tour, maybe I will write a whole entry devoted to it, who knows.  
Then after first week of the Term Andrea broke up with me.  It was a complete shock and really threw me for a loop.  So many things going on at once.  Ive had times where I really want to get back together, and then some Im not so sure.  Im not so sure right now, I just really need to get my mind focused on school so I can keep my scholorship here.  That is all Im going to say about that, if anyone wants to know more they know how to contact me.  
I have made an appointment to see a counselor this thursday and I really am hopeful that something good will come of it.  Especially since I got my best friend and another friend mad at me.  They were the ones who I had been going to for help for the past few weeks, now I really dont have anyone to go to.  So Thursday is something I am really needing and looking forward to.  Im also excited for Wednesday night chapel, its a really nice time to reflect and relax and refocus.  
I have had great times of happiness and really depressing times that if it wernt for my friends I wouldnt be here.  I am thankful for thier support.  
Classes this term are fun so far, a lot of work, but fun.  The Astronomy class is the same one I took in high school, we even use the same book and cover the same chapters.  And Im sad to say, but Mrs. Steimel is a better teacher than this guy.  My Sexual Diversity class is entertaining... in a dirty and clean way.  My Modern East Asian History class is amazing, but its history, so Im biased.  And my Adolescent Psychology is interesting, but hard as well, all new stuff.  
Im hopeful for the future to be better than the past.  Only time will tell. 
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