Feb 12, 2006 02:35
Well, the past week for me has been a blur. My feelings are (and have been) running rampant. First it's all about Kristin, then my focus turned to Kim, or at least trying to repair a friendship with her. And then my old feelings for Wendy seem to be coming to a head again. All-the-while Seneca has been spending an enormous amount of time with me. I have loved the time I have been able to spend with her. She is my life... speaking of which... I am going to get into that in a bit, my life that is...
You see, I have have been confused as to what I want to do with my life, what I want out of life, what I need right now. I have gotten back into a band... I think music needs to play a bigger part in my life then what it has been. Also, Seneca needs to be the biggest part. I find it helps me to keep on top of that when I keep telling myself that... I will write more tomorrow... I am dog ass tired right now and I am just trying to finish what I am doing online and then going to bed. TTYL!