Jonathan Scott "Into The Groove: The Story of Sound From Tin Foil to Vinyl" (Bloomsbury)
Into the Groove by Jonathan Scott is a detailed history of recorded sound, from discoveries and experiments to popularisation and improvement of playback material.
This probably would have been more history than I would have wanted if it wasn't for the fact that Scott made it all so interesting. I learned far more than I expected, especially the time before records. Before the advent of CDs and all that has come after, most people of age will remember their early experiences with records. Probably their parent's or sibling's albums. The first I bought with my own money was Deep Purple In Rock in 1970. I never stopped buying them.
This book will fill in any gaps you have (I had a lot) in the history of recording and playing back sound and make you recall just how special it is to put an album on. He is right when he highlights how playing an album is different, and for many better, than just digitally pulling up a file.
I would recommend this to anyone with an interest in audio, from listening to the technical aspects. This is indeed a history, but one that is told in an engaging manner that keeps your interest piqued.