The Around Kent Trip

May 05, 2023 21:22

Despite threats of rain, dark clouds, and thunder, it never happened. It was a lovely sunny day on my round trip through Kent. I had a covert shop to do in Tenterden, and once completed, I then took a bus to Rye, popped into the Grammar School Records emporium and bought some vinyl, and then to New Romney to do my charity shop visit.

I arrived home at around five, popping into Tesco to get some more peppered steaks for the weekend beforehand.

Dinner was a tasty cottage pie with some extra peas. Great comfort food.

Tomorrow, as i am not a monarchist or royalist, I am not watching any of the proceedings.


Might play some loud rock all morning - tee hee!

charity shop, visits, sunshine, records, food, weather

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