
Jan 14, 2007 16:20

A kitten-carrier, for trips in the car.

Carrier is a white latex balloon (note the balloon's nipple at the top). It has an opening at the back of kitty's neck. Insert kitty, then pull headpiece over head. Latex carrier is skin-tight, right down to the eyeballs. Carrier has convenient tie-down straps (beige).

Multiple uses:
- Kitty can be restrained in a seat; straps act as a seatbelt.
- Kitty can be kept even closer; straps allow carrier to be strapped on your body like a fanny pack across your chest.
- Straps can also be detached and kitty can run around while at a rest stop, easily retrieved and re-attached.  Doesn't get dirty.

One flaw: kitties figure out pretty quickly that they don't want to go in carrier. Trick is to get kitty's head in headpouch before kitty can chew it to pieces.

I swear. This is entirely my subconscious' idea. I take no responsibility.

illo, dreamage

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