Jun 01, 2005 15:20
I'm a fancy leprechaun.
I'm planning a photo session with the boys. I'm not divulging any details just now, but when the time comes, you'll know everything.
As of right now, I'm simply drafting make-up and outfit ideas. There will most likely be between five and ten of us. I'll naturally be going as Lucidor.
Otherwise, nothing new to report, which would account for my lack of participation on lj. I just opened a new store last week, so I've been pretty busy being stressed out and overworked. Lately, my theme music has consisted of demonic violins and menacing cellos.
The love life continues to be a barren wasteland composed in part by cow skulls and the occasional cactus.
My body is paying in full for the recent stress I've been undergoing. A combination of allergies and possible upper respiratory infection has dampened my enjoyment of the season. And while I pump myself full of Quercetin, Ascorbic Acid, Coenzyme B-Complex, and a plethera of other herbs, vitamins, probiotics, and homeopathic remedies, I have yet to see improvement. I might have to down some antibiotics.
In other news, my composer has completed another song for my show. The music is the final step, and then after a little polishing, I'll begin pitching it to everyone and their mothers - maybe yours.
My dad turned 50 today.