Barbs has been with my mum for a few days (back now, TG) and the furkids have been rather all over me. So when La Duchesse was conspicious by her absence last night (and she does things HER way, so this is not surprising, really) I got my nickers in a twist and didn't do a lot of sleeping going out looking for her a couple of times etc. Of course
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Can't think of much to add to your view of feminism since I share your viewpoint on the issue. Obsessive feminazi zealots who go way off the deep end strike me as narrow minded folks that can hold only one issue in their head at a time and thus end up seeing "oppression" in everything. This, of course, simply leads to another kind of bigot. Pathetic examples of human bias and stupidity, in my opinion.
(Ironically, one of these was a post-op transie who actually made a point of explicitly declaring that she despised men so much because she was quite certain every male just HAD to be every bit as much of a total asshole as she had been before she decided to go the transgender route. Gotta love that logic - "I'm a raging asshole, therefore you must be an asshole too." The only part of the train of logic I agreed with her on was that she was, indeed, a complete asshole.)
Feminism still hasn't won it's fight, even in the so-called West. [As for elsewhere... ] As with most forms of discrimination, there is still an awful lot of innate prejudice left to overcome, but a lot of the radical feminists actually make the situation worse with their own prejudices. For instance at a local University the entire Department of Women's Studies went rather ... insane ... when a man tried to enroll in a subject (he was apparently honestly interested in the topic offered). Then again, until this actually blew up I never realised we had an actual Department of Women's Studies (they were, shall we say, rather insular and self-reinforcing in their viewpoint).
One of the reasons I like SF so much is that the "us vs them" mentality tends to concentrate on humans vs aliens (and the better SF usually wants to hurry up and include the aliens with the us ASAP and then go off and find new aliens to become us as well).
My point exactly. As in almost any controversial cause, there's always that subset of people "supporting" it who make you want to say, "Hey, do me a favor and get offa my side, willya? You're not helping."
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