After a particularly manic week at work, I really needed some sleep this weekend. There was also the
Dark Mills festival down in London, and I thought that sounded better than napping.
There were a lot of bands that I'd not heard of, so it was going to be pretty interesting. As HeresyRob was going down, so I was able to cadge a lift with him and Martin from Imprint. (Better have got some good Imprint shots!) I was expecting to see some more familiar faces down there, since it was a free all-dayer. Still, there were enough people I knew and I did watch bands for most of the day.
Bands of the day? I really enjoyed Calatrilloz, and Noblesse Oblige. The former were a bit gypsy punk, and generally quite an entertaining live act. The latter, had some great percussive rhythms. The Eden House, the headliners, were pretty good, but they were a little cut short by the 10pm curfew on outdoor music. I'm looking forward to a full set at Whitby.
We headed home about an hour after the bands finished, as Reptile looked like it was going to be a pretty rammed club. Getting home at a semi-reasonable time was good for me, as
keris and I had an early start on Sunday morning.