RCP's state
map now has Obama/Biden with 286 EVs solid or leaning democrat. They're not including FL, MO, IN, OH. That's 94 EVs in RCP's toss-up states, and giving all of them to McCain puts him at 252 EVs, short of the 277 needed to win. That's some serious distance and desperation. But they've got Sarah Palin and Steve Schmidt - campaign strategist for McCain and Karl Rove prodigy - playing hitmen, with John Weaver doing damage control... The campaign's not over yet, and we've got plenty of time to dig up some serious pigfucking dirt on any candidate. Maybe even some last-minute race baiting. Think of it - it's a day before you cast your ballot and McCain's down too far in too many big states - suddenly there's an announcement from McCain examining the terrifying sex acts, multiple abortions and moral misjudgements of Obama, the Terrorist, the Socialist, invading YOUR Christian safety and hard-earned American Capitalist money. A real hot one with no time to respond. Obama's campaign watches in horror as Palin walks on stage at her last rally at a gun show in FL in a bikini.
Yup, just enough to ensure any remaining doubt is cast to hardened fear and that lust for American Reality Television.
The only thing left is the misprint on the ballot that says "Osama bin Laden" instead of "Barack Obama" when you get to the polls.
Nevermind that vile scenario now. Obama's campaign has the details worked out on this sort of move by the other side. Yeah, I have faith. Somewhere. We'll pull it off anyways; and anyways the American people know better than what they demand on the TV. Right. There are more critical issues at hand. We've been double booked for tomorrow's show at Points East. Exciting. We're going on early - so come early.