Dr. Pepper confirms free soda for 'Chinese Democracy' release
http://www.nme.com/news/guns-n-roses/41220 Although I have no strong feelings for Guns 'n' Roses whatsoever (borne primarily out of my complete ignorance of their body of work, with the obvious exception of the name of their latest album), anyone who knows me well knows that I have a strong affection for Dr. Pepper, which I consider to be the most pleasingly complex flavours of all of the mainstream carbonated beverages on the market. I also know that this is not an attitude which is very widely shared, for some reason. I assume that it has something to do with those lost, puzzling minds out there who are fans of Pepsi; a drink which as far as I can tell is essentially just sweetened water, without any complexity or nuance to it whatsoever. Any market in which Pepsi can seriously compete with Coca Cola is a market which, I feel, on some level, doesn't deserve Dr. Pepper.
Nevertheless, I am getting somewhat astray of the point at hand. The point is that this sunday, all of you Yankees out there can get yourself a free Dr. Pepper, thanks to the efforts of Guns 'n' Roses. I encourage you to do so. Not just for me, since I cannot apparently take part in this offer (not that I need to; I have a two litre bottle of Dr. Pepper sitting next to me right now), but also because I feel that many of you who have not had one in some years may benefit from the exposure to this often overlooked beverage.