Intimidation statistic apparently approaching maximum

Aug 19, 2010 06:34

Virtually without fail, every day I go to work, there's this little scene that plays out.

I'll be walking down the hall, someone will catch sight of me, they will gasp with unspeakable horror, sometimes scream with alarm, often clutch at their chest, and then, after a bit of nervous laughter while I give an increasingly half-hearted and insincere ( Read more... )

vancouver, personal crap, work

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mothwentbad August 19 2010, 14:52:33 UTC
Hmmmm. I haven't seen you in person, so it's hard to give pointers. Maybe you're just that scary.



dave_littler August 20 2010, 04:01:44 UTC
This may aid you in conceptualizing the matter.

... )


katiebignuts August 20 2010, 15:55:38 UTC
I actually rather like how you look.
But your look is not unique, this type of build and attire is not like... unheard of?

I don't think you're frightening looking at all but I entirely sympathize with you. I run around with 'funny' and 'aggressive' t-shirts on, and for a while I rocked a mohawk, and I tend to talk very loudly.
I am often the cause of fear in strangers. Children, in particular, tend to shriek, hide behind their parents or the nearest architectural convenience, and then stare at me as if I can't see them ogling. I like kids, this is always confusing and bewildering to me, since when they get to know me, they love me.

I particularly enjoy the super hero pose you've taken in your photo. I wanted to help, so.... here.

... )


mothwentbad August 20 2010, 16:59:31 UTC
I would've given him a handlebar mustache and a barbell.


Strong Man David Litter katiebignuts August 20 2010, 19:36:13 UTC
Ask and ye shall receive.
Funnily enough, his position was perfectly aligned so that I could give him appropriate legs.

... )


Re: Strong Man David Litter mothwentbad August 20 2010, 20:09:18 UTC
Yes. This. Exactly.

See? Not scary at all.


Re: Strong Man David Litter katiebignuts August 20 2010, 21:06:26 UTC
Yeah see? Super fabulous.
Old school Awesome.

Seeing a man with a mustache, carrying around 800 lb barbells.
Win? Yes
Scary? No


Re: Strong Man David Litter mothwentbad August 20 2010, 21:32:51 UTC
We might not be exactly the general public, though. I'm not sure our assessment is to be trusted.

Sort of like with clowns. They're supposed to be wholesome and fun, but they actually freak people out, for the most part.


Re: Strong Man David Litter rubine September 1 2010, 09:06:32 UTC
you are awesome.


Re: Strong Man David Litter katiebignuts September 1 2010, 14:56:21 UTC
Thank you!


dave_littler August 20 2010, 20:09:11 UTC
I am in that most uncommon of states wherein I am at a loss for words.

I have for some time been aware of a dubious service available online, whereby one might obtain, for a price, a "celestial soul portrait", such as can be found here:

I feel as though in some significant measure, that artform has been eclipsed and rendered meaningless by what you have accomplished here, and elsewhere in this post.


katiebignuts August 20 2010, 21:11:57 UTC
I am so proud to be the instigator of your silence.
I think this deserves a Happy Dance icon.

Lol, that site is crap, and those pictures are crap.

I am still rather proud of myself. The strong man picture was pure win, I'm seriously like so impressed xD

Glad you enjoyed my boredom and hyper creative drive.


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