I’ve had a thought rumbling around in my head in recent months - a product of one of my occasional and innumerable hypothetical debates with theists - which
a post this morning on the
atheist community prompted me to begin to formulate more textually.
It runs along similar lines to a lot of my thoughts on this topic (which you can view as pedantry,
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I mean, satan is responsible for giving man the ability to think for himself. god is responsible for killing millions of millions of people. So, I sometimes wonder if the people got it backwards, and are just delusional by god's great ability to warp minds.
In case you haven't (or anyone else happens upon this comment and hasn't), it's important to know that the idea of the snake in the Genesis story being "Satan" is a huge ret-con, introduced much later. In the text, there's no suggestion of this whatsoever. It's just a magical talking snake, with no explanation at all.
However! If you go back to an older version of the mythology, before the dawn of Judaism, the myth went a little bit differently. Back then, the religion was a polytheism. The father-god, then known as El, and later by other names, had a wife named Asherah. Asherah was among other things a goddess of wisdom and knowledge, and her symbol was a snake wrapped about a tree. Originally, the snake wasn't some diabolical boogieman, it was just a mother passing on her knowledge to her daughter, Eve.
thank you for the book suggestions.
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