I’ve had a thought rumbling around in my head in recent months - a product of one of my occasional and innumerable hypothetical debates with theists - which
a post this morning on the
atheist community prompted me to begin to formulate more textually.
It runs along similar lines to a lot of my thoughts on this topic (which you can view as pedantry,
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As to books: The best I can think of is a book by Tim Callahan called "Secret Origins of the Bible." It's a dense and very scholarly book, but it's just jam-packed full of data on what we know about the history and development of the bible, and how different historical events and cultural trends impacted and influenced the different books of the bible over the years. Solid, solid stuff.
If you want something a little lighter, and which deals with this topic in particular, look for a Nova documentary entitled "The Bible's Buried Secrets", which you can probably find online, still. It's really well-put together and very easy to absorb.
thank you for the book suggestions.
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