Down to the Dirt by Joel Hynes - Summer Book #3
One of the best books I've read in a long time! It's kind of annoying to read the unconventional quotations (uses -Dialogue instead of "Dialogue" said Jim) and the Newfoundlander slang which carries throughout is alternatingly great and terrible. The stories themselves are awesome though. It's all about this newfoundlander kid who is basically the BAD BOY in the town. His earlier misadventures are more thrilling, the later ones get kind of relationship-problems heavy. Since the whole thing is basically autobiographical, it makes for an interesting read.
Now I'm reading HAUNTED because I didn't really want to read FIGHT CLUB or SURVIVOR or INVISIBLE MONSTERS but you guys can tell me about those, rumor has it Palahniuk is pretty good
Today I faced my greatest challenge at work! It was intense. I had to carry 3/4 inch thick 8x4 feet sheets of maple plywood into a house, to up difficulty, they made sure the ground was mushy wet muck (due to the constant rain), so my shoes were each 3 pounds heavier. Also, the first step of the stairway into the house was quite a bit higher than normal, about a foot up. This means I had to lift a good chunk of my body's weigh in addition to this enormous sheet. It was quite nearly at my muscle's limits. It was pretty emasculating so I took off my shirt for good measure, but unfourtunately I caught a glimpse of my reflection and it ruined it for me. Luckily there were only 2 sheets!
Earlier I mentioned how awful work was, I even wrote a short story about it for school (remember that dudes?) These last few weeks have been pretty good though. As a delivery boy (soon to be a delivery MAN) I get the honor of spending half of my day driving around. Sadly, this means I get into situations like the one above, where I sometimes have to move a bunch of annoyingly heavy stuff through narrow hallways. The time absolutely FLIES now. Before, I would sometimes look at my watch every 3 minutes, sometimes more often. The days DRAGGED by. As a driver, although I do get tired of what I do, the day is so short, it's incredible.