Day Fifteen - Day Change

Dec 07, 2008 01:39

Day Fifteen

Good morning -

Last night, we were given our new assignment, which I will detail later in the letter.

First, however, I would like to address another point that - by now - I'm sure several of you have already heard. Yesterday evening, the item we retreived from Riverfell granted us another insight to the goings on in our rival's realm. Chaos has apparently called one Lord Voldemort onto their side. Severus has informed me he is a very powereful wizard, and I believe most of the wizards and witches of that reality are aware of the name, if not the wizard himself.

I will not tell you there's nothing to worry about, because I'm quite sure there is something to worry about. It seems the change in power has given Chaos some bit of ambition.

I will however tell you that we are a strong, relatively united force, and we have handled everything they have thrown at us thus far admirably. Yes, there have been casualties, but I believe things could have been much worse, were we not as united as we are.

Now, onto more current matters. As mentioned, we did receive the update on our next assignment. Tomorrow, four of you will be joining four of Riverfell's chosen in a riddle maze. I would like to make that part entirely clear to you before anyone volunteers. You will be sharing a maze with residents of Riverfell, and there is every possibility that they will encounter you in that maze. No one who is unable to defend themselves completely and fully will be allowed to volunteer for this maze.

I would ask that all able-bodied residents who can defend themselves and believe themselves to be reasonably proficient at riddles please come to the town hall office at some point today. The earlier the better. We have to have four participants no later than this evening. However, if you are not prepared to endure the maze and every hazard it brings with it, please do not volunteer.

In different, somewhat lighter news, for those of you who did not discover it last night, an indoor pool facility has shown up just behind the the dorms. There is also something of a recreational room attached to it; perhaps an answer to our occasionally over crowded lounge.

As always, questions and concerns may be directed to the town hall at any hour.

Icetenari StormFyre

icetenari stormfyre, +4 maze, *day 15

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