Who: Pepper Potts, Heather Lisinski
Where: Beach
When: Early morning
Rating: PG thus far
Status: Finished
Invasion: Sure! Come on in!
Summary: Unable to sleep late into the day, Pepper gets up early to take a swim in the ocean, where she runs into Heather out for a walk. They exchange pleasantries, and find that they actually have a great deal in
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Pausing momentarily, Pepper stared down the hallway a moment, realizing she'd forgotten which was hers. Then she looked up at the nameplates on the doors. Some were blank, she noted, but others had names. She smiled as she noticed that Chase's room was on this floor as well, but made no other indication that she might be interested.
Her room ended up being the one on the very opposite end of the stairwell they'd come up. She opened the door, inviting Heather in. It wasn't much; just a small nondescript room with a bed, dresser and desk. It was kind of homey though. She'd originally considered switching residences, if she could, but in the spirit of the youthfulness she'd been feeling, had decided to stick with the college-like living arrangements.
She then remembered the whole reason they needed to come up here: Pepper needed to change. "Um, if you wanted to change, I could wait outside..."She offered, and stepped back into the hallway.
It felt rude to shut the door in Heather's face like this, but there wasn't anywhere to go so she could change in privacy. She quickly changed out of her swimsuit and into what was swiftly turning into her uniform - jeans and a t-shirt. Closing the door behind her, Pepper stepped back out into the hallway, now significantly less embarrassed about her state of attire.
"Right," she said, grinning, "Cafeteria's downstairs. Shall we?"
As they wandered in, Pepper noted that the cafeteria looked exactly the same as the day prior, albeit with different locals milling about.
She grabbed a tray and stood in line behind some creature with limbs that were ever so slightly too long. Ogling a little, she turned to exchange a look with Heather.
Grabbing a tray as well as a plate nearby, she surveyed the food in front of her. It strangely did remind her of college dorm food: trays of different foods were strewn out in front of them, made either as bland as possible or as spicy as possible, but never anywhere in the middle of that continuum. "Yum," she muttered. But, looking on the bright side, all of it did look fairly tasty, and her stomach was hungry enough that even bland tasting food would do.
"I don't think I'm ever getting used to that," she said of the locals, eyeballing one behind Heather that looked slightly like a chimp only not quite.
Remembering the last time she'd sat in the cafeteria, she grinned maniacally.
"So, have you run into Laurel yet?" she asked, chuckling, "She's a hoot. Last time I was here, she just plain sat down with us like she owned the place - which, I guess, she sort of does - and started talking to us. It was unreal."
Oh, and she has horns, Pepper thought idly, choosing not to mention this particular point.
Pepper chewed thoughtfully, picking the grapefruit out of her fruit bowl. She detested grapefruit.
"So what are you going to do after breakfast?" she inquired, genuinely curious, "I was just going to lounge around in my room a bit, I think. Stay out of trouble for a bit. Yesterday was a bit too exciting for my liking."
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