Who: Tris, Landon
Where: Quidditch pitch
When: call it late afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Lan attempts to talk some sense into Tristan, and lets him vent a bit before convincing him to go find Remus.
The event had gone well, or so he'd heard. He hadn't seen anything by way of action, which he supposed was probably just as well. With a fair bit of a day in front of him, and without the usual things to fill it with, Tris took his broom out to the pitch. Once he got there though, he realized he wasn't much inclined to fly. He felt ... off. He felt sad, and a little sick. He felt drained and kind of miserable.
He also felt like the world's biggest prat.
Climbing up into the bleachers, Tris set his broom down before he flopped onto one of the benches. He seemed to be spending a lot of time up here, lately.
Turning his face toward the sun, he closed his eyes and sighed ... and thought.