Smallville...or Justice Dorks Unlimited

Nov 17, 2006 13:14


Okay, it's scary how well this show works without Clark. *snicker* I mean you could have cut out the whole Zoner in Seattle thing, and it still would have been a good show, but I'm glad that they didn't because....

OMG MARTIAN MANHUNTER! I can't believe they went there. The Seattle thing totally flew right over my head but when Clark stepped on the Oreo, I totally lost it. I knew where it was going, and then they showed J'onn! And at the end later on when Chloe tells Clark that sometimes heroes need help too and there's another Oreo there. That could either be J'onn in disguise as Chloe or he could have been all immaterial. It would have been cooler if he was Chloe.

I love how they're starting to work in the other heroes. First Ollie, then J'onn. I really hope they bring him in for an episode outside of this because of anyone, J'onn can relate to Clark on the level of alien on another world. I'm such a comic book fangirl it's not even funny.

As for Ebil!Lana and Lex popping the question...well, I have no comment.


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