
Nov 17, 2006 11:53

I got my schedule for next quarter yesterday. I'm taking intro to computer programming and operating systems. I still have morning classes which shouldn't effect work, but they do kind of mess up my days off. At least we get a two week break in the middle for Christmas, so I can go home then. Work is slowly driving me over the edge. The place is nice, it's not a bad job, but little things are starting to get to me. I think it's mostly because I'm tired a lot and I don't know anyone here, so I'm stuck with the routine of work, school, and home. I'm hoping this quarter will be more interesting seeing as how I'm doing something new.

Enough about that, what about Supernatural?

So the preview for next episode has got me psyched! I'm looking forward to the secret. A lot of people are grumbling about this becoming the Dean show, and I can see that, definitely, but I think there's a purpose to that. The first part of the season has been about Dean. We're coming up on the switch. I think the next part of the season is going to be about Sam. I think it's going to focus on his powers, what they mean, people like him, and what the demon has planned for them. Then once that is over, the last part of the season is going to be the boys together trying to stop the demon's plans. It makes sense with the progression they've got going so far. I really think that John will be back for the season finale. That's the only place they could go with this. Last night, the deal demon went on about John in hell. I really think that once the boys start working on a way to tangle up the Yellow Eyed Bastard's plans, that he's going to pull John out to distract or try and stop them. I really think that by the end of the season we're going to be looking back on this episode and see the groundwork being laid. Or so I think.

What do you think?

Also, I liked that they worked goofer dust into the episode. It's good to see other magics used, since we haven't really seen anything like that since Missouri was having them make something akin to graveyard dirt mix in Home. But, I was under the impression that goofer dust was for jinxing not protection, although it does have strong ties to crossing and crossing powder, which works with the crossroads idea. I don't know a lot about hoodoo. I just have bits and pieces I've read here and there. Anybody know more?


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