the usual

Nov 13, 2006 10:24

Finished my first final at school this morning. It took me about ten minutes tops. I'm so glad this quarter is over. The bad thing is, they don't have the schedules ready for next quarter yet. We have this week, then a week off for Thanksgiving, then we start the next quarter. I need to submit in any school schedule changes to work a week in advance. I'm really unimpressed with the way this school is run. I've heard nothing but bad things, and apparently no one going there actually wants to get a degree. It's the biggest bunch of slackers I've ever met. This is nothing like when I went to a regular University.

I'm tired because I've had maybe four hours of sleep. I'm so glad I'm off work for a couple of days after tonight. I dread going in. Not because it's bad, but mostly because it's not something I want to be doing. I hate just getting by in any shape or form.

I suppose I could be using this extra time for something, but I'm just too tired to bother.

Yesterday, I was so bored at work, I started writing an SG-1 fic. I don't even really read SG-1 stuff anymore. *sigh*

whining, school

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