TV catch-up

Nov 11, 2006 10:24


This whole asshole policeman storyline is doing nothing for me really. They're both jerks and deserve each other. Cameron continues to annoy me, but it's interesting that she's taking up House characteristics. I was surprised that they didn't bring Chase back in some capacity. It was an odd way to give Jessie Spencer some time off. Basically, "I haven't seen him since you told him to sit on his ass." was not a good explanation for why he was gone. And Wilson continues to drag himself down into House's hole. He's lying and being upset and I really hope that he'll be okay. It would be good if House's turn around comes from the fact that he gets Wilson in trouble. That would be nice. Wilson is really reaching the end of his rope. We saw him almost get kicked off the board for House, but jail? Will he turn or will House finally realize he's being a fucking asshole and do something to save his friend?


So crazy Ollie was fun, but his little fan worship of Clark there at the end was kind of embarrassing. I really liked the Thanksgiving scene, but the expressions on Tom's face were cracking me up. It wasn't a "isn't it great to have everyone together" look it was "ha ha! I'm so thankful for my minions" look. I think he's been paying too much attention to Lex. As for Lex, Michael was looking a little chunky or bloated or something this ep. I really liked the Lex/Green Arrow face down. That was something I'd been wanting to see, and I love how confidant Lex was. He's slowly turning into the type of guy that can stand up to Superman without blinking. That's one of the best things about Lex Luthor, he's the one guy refuses to bow down or be afraid of Sups no matter how many powers the guy has. It was one of my favorite characterizations of him in the DC Animated universe. (Plus, Clancy Brown's voice doesn't hurt.) And finally, Lana's big secret. Isn't it so like this show that Lana can't find out she's pregnant in a normal way? No, she has to have blinding migraines and faint dramatically. Geez I just wish they'd kill her off. I've been begging for it since season one. I don't know why the creators are so hot on Lana, she's probably the worst character on TV. Well, I'll take that back. It's not so much the character as that Kristen isn't the best actress, and the writers come off too much like fanboys in their worship of her. She's just cringe worthy all the time. Now if we could just have Ollie being a dick more, I'd be happy. It's canon people! And you don't have to introduce a stupid drug to make him that way! :D

And Supernatural:

I loved that they got Linda Blair. That is just very cool. Props to Kripe. Plus, the "did she look familiar to you?" and "I want pea soup" at the end was just cute. I like that they give a nod to their own conventions. "Yes, that's Linda Blair, we know you know so we're going to acknowledge it." It was something they did on Smallville last season which made me smirk (the vampire ep where they had James Marsters' character say "there's no such things as vampires"). I like that they are tying up loose ends, and I'm wondering if this is going to come back around again. They still haven't dealt with St. Louis and "Dean's" death. I love how close the boys are because they are working together even when they're separated. So very cool. Also that they plan things out makes me more confident in their abilities. They have their stories straight when they're questioned by the police. They took the time to come up with a story before they were working on the case, just so they would be covered. Very smart. Checking into the first motel in the phone book if they're separated? Also smart. Daddy taught them well. The ghost and bad guy in this ep definitely took a back seat to the brothers. Looking forward to next week!

tv, house, smallville, supernatural

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