Coffee, work, writing, and photoshop...if I could just eliminate that work thing, I'd be all right.

Oct 28, 2006 14:38

I've been a busy worker bee today. I got up and did my final project for one of my classes. I also made chili and wrote some more on my Fairy!Dean story. The only thing I haven't gotten done is my laundry, but I can do that tomorrow morning. I even managed to conquer my espresso maker for a decent cup of latte. Who needs a barista? Not me.

Some interesting things have occurred in the past couple of days. First, I have a letter that's being considered for print in the New York Times. We sent in letters about chosen articles for class on Monday and they are considering mine. I hope to hear back from them. Secondly, I actually had a Benton call in to work yesterday. I was disappointed to see that it wasn't one of our Canadian accounts, but still, it gave me a little chuckle.

If it's as slow tonight at work as it was last night, I may well get this fairy story done. If so, is there anyone willing to beta for me tomorrow? Just give me a nod if you don't mind.

I also need to do some playing around in Photoshop tomorrow. There have been more episodes of Bert Monroy's Pixel Perfect posted up on Revision 3. For those of you that are interested in learning more about it. Some of the stuff he does is really simple and you wonder why you weren't able to figure that out yourself. It's really to learn how to use different aspects. I always come away with a "oh I never thought to use the filter/pattern/whatever like that" or at least a keyboard shortcut I didn't know. He uses a Mac, but it translates to the PC pretty well. I think I'm going to have to buy his book eventually.

photoshop, writing talk, pimp

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