Full on Obi-Wan action! Supernatural 2.05 and Smallville 6.05

Oct 27, 2006 13:26

Got to watch the eps this morning. I have been spending the past few days watching my Smallville seasons 4 and 5. I got 4 for a steal on the way home from wincon. Five I bought recently. Seeing as how they tie in heavily with the new stuff this season, I'm glad I could go through and catch the episodes I missed.

I love that Oliver has some culpability this episode. We learn that he wasn't always a good guy and that he is trying to pay for his mistakes. Very close the comic canon there. In the comics, Oliver discovers that one of his businesses is doing harm, when he tries to stop them he's powerless and ends up being stranded on a semi-deserted Pacific Island after a boating accident. There he masters the art of the long bow in order to hunt, and finds he has a talent for it. If you rewatch the pilot for Smallville, when we first see Lionel, he's reading a paper with the headline "Queen Industries CEO Missing." Which leads me to believe that the same origin follows here. They've twisted it a bit, as Smallville doe,s to make it so that Oliver's parents were killed in the boating accident and he survived. Or so I surmise, they keep showing him giving mournful looks at the photo of his parents with the boat pictured behind them.

At any rate, I thought the characterization of Lex this episode was interesting. He's just destined to fail it seems. And Lana's utter stupidity at seeing where he's headed just baffles me. She's pissy at Clark for being a good person but keeping secrets from her, but she's willing to accept a guy who may tell her the truth, but can't seem to do the right thing no matter what. I just really don't want to see that point where he does something truly horrible and she gets that whole weepy look on her face and says something idiotic like "why couldn't I see this coming?" Because people on fucking Mars could see this coming and they don't even have to be shape-shifting telepaths to do so. Sheesh. But again, this is Lana the most useless character on television we're talking about.

They didn't use Chloe enough this ep, and I want to see more of her and Jimmy. Chloe is a great character and I really hope they give her more to do. Ever since they introduced Lois, Chloe has been cut back a bit and I don't see that as fair when considering that we all know that Clark is going to end up with Lois for the rest of his life. I don't see why they needed to introduce her into the show as more than a guest spot. I'm wondering if now that they're at The Planet if they'll reintroduce Perry White since they did use him in season 3. (I want this mostly because I love Michael McKean.) I just don't like how they're handling Lois either. She still hasn't gone to school for journalism, and while I appreciate that they're showing her working her way up at the Inquisitor, she's just not the type of person that is eventually going to win a Pulitzer which canonically Lois has. But this is Smallville...grain o' salt, baby, grain o' salt.

And then we get into the fun of Supernatural.....

Ash continues to amuse me, as you may have guessed. We're slowly getting more and more on the psychic baby mess. I really can't wait for Dean to crack and tell us what John's secret was. I want to know what's going on. I loved that they had mind control going on in the ep. There are so many things that they can do with that. The fic is going to be awesome, hopefully. Watching Dean cheerfully give up his car was just too funny. The poor baby. "He full on Obi-Waned me!" has got to be one of the best Dean lines this season so far. So very in character. I just wish it hadn't taken them this long to get around to actually using Sam's visions again. I hate when a show drops a plot-line that important and then doesn't pick it up again for a long time. I understand that they had other things going on, but the season finale really had room for it in there. They just mostly talked about it which was annoying. I also liked the other boy. I love that he didn't try to use his powers for more because he had what he needed. I guess that doesn't include the Impala. :) "I have an evil twin." was also a good line. Dean spewing the truth was just awesome and his reaction to the REO Speedwagon, was about my reaction as well. Hee. The fact that he was singing it later and Sam suddenly becoming the music police. So very brothers and I loved it. And how awesome was Dean with the sniper rifle, even if he still almost managed to get his head blown off. I also love that Ellen won't take their shit and makes them talk. It makes me think of what their mother might have been like if things had been reversed for the boys and John had been the one killed. All in all, not the best of episodes but the Dr. Badass is in sign almost makes up for it.

I may have to do a write up this weekend on how I feel about the Smallville eps I've been watching, and the Batman/Superman trades I've bought. We shall see.

smallville, review, supernatural

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