Dead Zone season 3

Aug 15, 2005 14:29

So I'm woefully behind on my friends list because I was gone all day Saturday and watched The Dead Zone season 3 all day Sunday.  Now I didn't mention much about DZ as I was watching the first two seasons on DVD, but I have to say Season 3 gave me a few moments of BUH?  Not in the "is that supposed to be the plot?" ways either.

Now Finding Rachel parts 1 & 2 didn't do much for me.  It's nice to see Johnny's gifts getting him into trouble, because yes he does know things that only killers should know.  The whole Apocalypse/Stillson plot is starting to annoy me.  Mostly because they deal with it in the season openers and closers, but then pretty much ignore it for most of each season.  Maybe Sean Patrick Flannery's salary is just too much to throw him in the middle of the season.  I'd love to see him pop up in an episode that isn't centered around the Apocalypse plot just to make Johnny's life hard.  You know he's trying to find X or save Y and Stillson blocks him from doing it somehow just to be an asshat.  That'd make me happy.  Not that I want them to turn him into the mustache twirling villain by any stretch.  The thing I did like about Finding Rachel was Walt's willingness to stand by Johnny even if it meant not doing his job, really.  I mean they make a lot of allowances for the psychic boy at the Sheriff's Department, but this ep really brought that home.  I would have liked to seen more fallout for Walt from that.  Cause you know it caused some raised eyebrows, and during his election too?  Seriously, they needed to handle that better.  I gasped at the slap, and my heart just broke for Walt when I saw his face after it.  God, Sarah is such a tool sometimes.  Seriously woman!  Who's stood beside you like a rock, and who's been off running around saving the world or locking himself up to get away from people?  Grr.

Collision was interesting but if we have to deal with Johnny's accident one more time, I'm going to have to hurt somebody.  And saving himself?  WTF was that?

Cold Hard Truth was crap.  What the hell happened to Richard Lewis?  He looks like twenty miles of bad road.  Yikes!

Total Awareness could have been much creepier with the Big Brother thing, but they really kind of mishandled it.  I like seeing other psychics interact with Johnny, but Goth girl with her prefab sob story just made me roll my eyes.  I love how Johnny can know things that would, in real life, have nice men in suits show up in his house and help him "mysteriously vanish" without a trace because there's no body left, most likely, and yet he ends the episode casually checking his mail.  WTFever!

Now we get to the meat of it.  No Questions Asked just blew my mind in the first few minutes.  Because, get this, Sarah thinks Walt might be cheating on her.  So she sends her ex who she had a fucking affair with to find out what's happening and report back to her.  What is she smoking crack?  I almost threw something at the TV.  The only thing that saved that scene is Johnny pooh-poohing the idea and saying "Our Walt?"  Hee!  Of course then the rest of the episode is Walt being gruff and manly while Johnny is all touchy feely and understanding.  *happy sigh*

Looking Glass was dumb.  End of story.

Speak Now.  Finally, some love triangle fallout.  And again Sarah makes me want to smack her.  Just grr!  "I would have waited for you."  Yeah that's great.  I'm sure Walt appreciates the thought.

Cycle of Violence was just trying too hard to make a point.  And the ending was ????  All I can say is, damn you Judge Reinhold!

Instinct was, eh.  I mean if they're going for the scary Cujo thing, then maybe you should actually show more crazy animals killing people.  Just sayin'.  Watching Purdy flip was interesting, not that it gets them anywhere.  It's all just set up for the season finale, really.

Shadows could not be any gayer.  I mean I never really saw the Johnny/Bruce thing.  I just see them as friends, but wow.  That's just really gay.  Or more realistically, Johnny is really gay.  Bruce is confused by his gayness but earnest in his friendship.  Oh, and poor overworked Walt and Deputy Roscoe.

Finally, Tipping Point only not so much.  The brain surgery angle was interesting, but fruitless because you know it's not going to happen because then there wouldn't be a show.  Stillson continues to be creepy.  Rebecca continues to do nothing for me, and her bamboozling Johnny to screw up his visions was just way over the line.  Loved seeing future Johnny and JJ.  That was kind of cool.  Nice to know he survived even if he hasn't yet figured out how to stop the Apocalypse.  Seeing Wey tied up made much more sense when I saw the deleted scene from an earlier episode where he gets grabbed.  I'm curious as to the Apocalypse.  Do you think it's something Stillson does intentionally, or is it negligence because he's to busy screwing interns to really notice we're in a bad position for thermonuclear war?

dead zone, recaps

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