Something fun

Mar 10, 2005 14:27

Known as: Vicki, or Victoria…and various other nicknames (don’t ask how many)

Single or taken: Hmmmm, you’ll have to go to Jesus about that one. ;-)

Sex: Female

Born: November 6, 1983

Siblings: Claire-18, college freshmen studying criminal justice

Hair color: light brown, big, curly, thick, and long. ;-)

Eye color: hazel, a greenish shade.

Shoe size: 7 ½, narrow feet

Height: 5'3 ¾

Who are your best friends? Jesus is my most treasured friend. I also love Rachel and Becca (Massey!) and I have a special bond with Madonna (home) and I’m growing in friendship with Megan (yet another one!), my d-group leader. I’m also really close to my family.

Do you have a boyfriend? Yeah, Jesus rocks. Sadly, I’m not a very good girlfriend.

Where is your favorite place to shop? The mall, especially in really nice clothing stores like Express and Gap, and I love any kind of music store and I love bookstores.

Any tattoos or piercing? Just my ears, one hole each.

Do you do drugs? Well…heehee…Alright, I’m just kidding. But I am taking medication.

What kind of shampoo do you use? Sleek solutions (orange bottle, expensive stuff).

What are you most scared of? I’m afraid of most bugs, on a lighter note. On a serious one, I’m afraid of rejection from people. I’m afraid of being looked down upon.  I’m afraid of being hurt again.  I’m also afraid of getting sexually abused again.

Who is the last person that called you? I think it was Ciji, about our room next year. This reminds me…I need to call Lauren about that.

Where do you want to get married? I can’t make up my mind. I would like to get married outdoors, I think, somewhere pretty.  Not the beach, though:  too much sand.

What would you change about yourself? I’d be more faithful to Christ (prayer time every day instead of this sporadic stuff) and not making excuses for important personality flaws in my crushes. (Yes, I have a crush right now.)


Colors: green (not neon shades) and pink

Food: fried shrimp and hush puppies, especially from the Charleston Crab house! I love Italian food, too, and red meat.

Boy’s names: Good question…I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I still haven’t decided on a good name. I guess I’ll discuss this with my husband.

Girl’s names: I really love the name Joy, so I’ll definitely use that one.  I also love Carolyn, oddly enough, but then again it was my grandmother’s name.  I like Abigail, too (not Abby).

Subjects in school: In high school it was English/Literature, History, and anything having to do with the arts.  Oh yeah, and Spanish, I love Spanish.  Right now my favorite classes are Spanish, Biblical Women, and my voice lesson.

Animals: I really love dogs, especially big dogs, especially Labrador retrievers, but golden retrievers are wonderful, too.  I also am becoming convinced that I’m a closet horse lover, and I like deer a lot.

Sports: I hate sports. I can’t play them.  I do like to watch them, though.  That’s fun.

Have you ever?

Given anyone a bath? Not unless you count, like…Wait, never mind, I helped bathe my dog, yes. ;-)

Smoked? No and I don’t plan to.

Skinny dipped? No, I haven’t. (imitating old southern woman) Scandalous!

Ever been in love? Yes. Jesus is amazing. J

Cried to get out of trouble? No, I don’t think so. I’ve tried to apologize to get out of trouble, though.

Seen your crush naked? No!!!!!!!

Cried when someone died? Yes, of course, although it is be a little delayed.

Lied: Of course, all the time, sometimes I get in such a habit that I don’t realize I’m doing it.

Fallen for your best friend? Yes, I haven.

Been rejected?  All the time.

Rejected someone? Yeah, you kinda have to in some situations.

Done something you regret? Yeah.  I’m glad that God can use my mistakes and things for His glory.  It’s really comforting.

Made out with pop rocks in your mouth? That sounds like it could be painful. (No.)


Clothes: pink pajamas and pink fuzzy slippers. (I told you that I like pink.)

Music: Not yet. ;-)

Make-up: None yet, but there will be.

In CD player: Derek Webb’s “The House Show” (Thanks, Rachel!)

In DVD player: Nothing, but Mona Lisa Smile was in there yesterday. I love that movie.

Last Person You…

Touched: That’s a good question. Lemme think about that one…Oh yeah, Jessica!  From church, right…

Hugged: Once again, Jessica.

IM’ed: I think Casey, actually.

You yelled at: My sister. L

Are you?

Understanding: Sometimes, by the grace of God.

Open-minded: If the Gospel permits me to be, and only if it’s wise, or else I’ll try and fight it.

Arrogant: Sadly, I probably am more than I realize.

Interesting: Yeah, I think so.  I tend to have a wide range of friends, and I think that says something.

Random: Yeah, it’s pretty bad.  LOL

Hungry: Yeah, I need to have breakfast while I do this. Hooray for pop tarts! Wait!  Look at the time!  I have class!  I hate the devil! =(

Smart: Yeah, I think so. Ok yeah, I’m pretty smart. Too smart to be a voice major. ;-)

Organized: Very.  It borderlines OCD at times.

Shy: Believe it or not, yes.  It is my sinful nature in the flesh.

Difficult: If you’re a feminist, then yes. Yeah, I just got out of that class.  Man…

Attractive: Yeah, I’d say so. ;-)

In the morning I’m:  In class @ 9 or 9:30, and if it’s at least 7:45 I’m awake, and in-between that I’m either freshening up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, surfing the Web, or having my Jesus time.

Love is: only defined by God.  Love is not greater than God and love can only be found in and through God.

I dream about: Teaching Sunday school for high school girls and marrying a youth pastor who’s so strong in the Lord, strong in his convictions, strong because of what he’s been through, and totally dependent on God as his perfect Father.  And I dream of being so in love with God and totally depending on Him for my worth and salvation that it consumes me.

What do you notice first on a person?  Personal appearance, probably their hair or what they’re wearing.

Last person you slow danced with: Wow, it’s been a while…I guess it was Nathan, but I did try to teach Jonathan how to fox-trot.  It didn’t work out too well. J

Worst question people ask you: “How are you?” as they walk by before you have time to evaluate how you really are doing and answer and ask genuinely how the person who asked is doing.

Who makes you laugh the most? My dog.  Person-wise, I’d have to go with either my sister or Becca/Alex…yes, that’s combined.  You should see the picture I have of Alex giving Becca a noogie. LOL

Who makes you smile: Rachel does, Jeff Gibb does (that’s an understatement, I go BALISTIC), Becca does, Christy Hill definitely does, my dog/puppy does, and as much as I hate to admit it, Hugh goes.

Do you Ever…

Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you? I don’t think it’s every gotten quite that bad.

Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? Only for fleeting moments when I’ve having really bad cramps or something.

Wish you were younger: Sometimes, like now that I kinda sorta like a guy who’s, well, 18.  Then I realize how stupid I’m being.  Hmmmm…

Cry because someone said something about you? Heck yes!


of times I have had my heart broken: Dang man…I guess only once, when Jonathan broke up with me.  I mean, Tommy dumped me, too, but I didn’t really have feelings for him.

of continents I have lived in: just one.

of friends: don’t ask, there’s too many.  Only a few of them are close, though.

of cds i own: Don’t ask.

of scars on my body: No idea. Probably quite a few.

Do you like filling these out? Yeah, it’s a guilty pleasure of mine.

Gold or silver: silver

What was the last film you saw at the movies: Phantom of the Opera with Rachel.

Favorite cartoon? Winnie the Pooh.  It’s another guilty pleasure.

what did you have for breakfast this morning? Bottled water and a pop tart. So sad…

who would you love being locked in a room with? Ummmm….yeah, my husband will do just fine. ;-)

could you live without your computer? Yes.

would you color your hair? Never!

could you ever get off the computer: I have before, I will again…because I have class.

habla espanol? Un poco.  I’m learning.
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