Taxon Application

May 08, 2009 23:30

Your name/crazy internet handle/whatever: Amy
Characters played (if applicable): Claire Bennet, Peter Petrelli, Mary Winchester

Character name: Sasha Hoffman
Genre (TV/books/etc): N/A
Fandom: Original Character

Canon point: N/A

Programmed Possession: Family town house, straight out of New York City.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Sasha is human and has no special abilities or aversion to Kryptonite. She’s skilled at talking to people and making them laugh. She’s a very happy extrovert, and one of her abilities is definitely faking confidence in everything but her appearance (which she takes pride in). Once she’s comfortable enough with someone, she doesn’t shy away from complimenting them to get a reaction, and will frequently remind them that she’s hot, sexy, awesome, etc. She was raised to believe that she is just as good as everyone else. The flip side to that is that she knows that everyone is just as good as she is, and she doesn’t get along with people who are too similar to her in personality because she doesn’t feel that she has anything to offer them.

Sasha is a girly girl. She’s good at shopping, giving advice, and cheering people up. When faced with a situation that is over her head, she usually approaches what she does know first, and uses that knowledge to connect to whatever is going on. She’s not afraid to claim being ‘stupid and pretty’ and ask for help, but if someone else said it, she’d believe them and be a little disappointed. One of her weaknesses is that she knows how other people look at her, and sometimes she takes their opinions too seriously. If she’s told she’s too fat, she’ll feel like she has to lose weight and look better.

She can very easily find flaws in herself when other people point the out to her, and she hasn’t found a career that she’d describe as fulfilling yet because the only job she ever had is one she realizes she has to retire from. It’s important for her to keep busy, and to find things to do. She has yet to figure out exactly what she wants from life, and so she’s struggling with all of the possibilities that are available to her. She has the means to do anything she wants, but not necessarily the intelligence, and she needs to lead an interesting life.

Sasha has a fear of being alone, and that’s something I think Taxon would help her overcome. She lived with her father until it was time to go to college, and then when she moved to Los Angeles, she immediately got a roommate so she wouldn’t have to go home to an empty apartment. She crawls in his bed when she can’t sleep and sits on his lap when they watch movies. While her relationships are an important part of who she is, Sasha is young and could benefit by being away from everyone she knows. She’ll learn to take care of herself and stand on her own two feet. Without worrying about the opinions of the people she cares about, it may be easier for her to set goals and determine what she wants to do with her life and how (specifically) she wants to live it. It’ll be unsettling at first, but it may help her to conquer some of those fears and weaknesses that she wouldn’t be interested in changing in the security of her friends/family bubble.

Psychology/Personality: Sasha will fully admit that she is a “pretty mess” and a “total Daddy’s girl”. Her parents divorced when she was six and her father took primary custody of her. As a result, she is closer to him than most fathers and daughters are, if only because it was just the two of them from the time she entered first grade to the present day. She has some form of communication with her father daily, be it a call/voicemail/text/email, and has always counted on him to protect and take care of her. For Sasha, nothing succeeds like success. The more that her father takes care of her, the more she believes that he will always be there to do so. When she fulfills an emotional need with a friend or family member, she believes that they will always be there for her.

She takes pride in being a good friend. Loyalty is important to Sasha, and there is no one who she is more loyal to than her best friend/ex-boyfriend, Miles. She believes that you get what you give in life, and puts a lot in her friendships, expecting to get the same out of them. When she feels betrayed by something that someone does, she thinks back on all that she has done for them, which only serves to make her more angry with them for not considering how much effort she has put into the relationship. She makes a serious effort to be the person who sends flowers when someone has a birthday, visits if they’re in the hospital, or gives a friend a hug at the end of a bad day. It’s not unusual for Sasha to show up with a carton of ice cream if a friend has been dumped, and she knows all of the lines she has to say about how that guy was never good enough for her in the first place. In fact, she’ll cite examples of when that guy really screwed up, and who the next conquest should be.

Sasha is easily frustrated by the things that she feels get in her way. She’s resourceful enough to look at a problem from as many different angles as possible, but when things are supposed to go a certain way and fall through unexpectedly, it really annoys her. She believes that when things are planned out perfectly, there shouldn’t be any room for error. This is true of the parties that she plans, the assignments she takes, and the responsibilities she is given as a member of the Hoffman family. She’s generally a very organized person; her closet is organized by article of clothing, and then color. She won’t get upset if something is out of place, but being organized makes her feel like she’s efficient, so she never lets things get too messy.

At times, Sasha can be very childlike. She had a happy childhood and misses the days when things were that simple, as a result, she gets along with children rather easily. Her favorite movie is “The Little Mermaid”, and she’s been known to watch animated movies with her roommate. However, if she’s with her best friend, she loves explosion movies (Die Hard), because they’re bright and flashy, and Miles doesn’t whine about the romance or the music. She generally watches what she eats, but has a weakness for cupcakes of any kind, ice cream, and margaritas.

She always dresses for the type of attention that she wants. If she’s having a bad day and doesn’t want to be bothered, she’ll wear a pair of sweatpants, flipflops, and a tank top. On a good day, when she’s feeling especially confident, she’s more likely to wear a little red dress and spend a half hour fixing her hair and getting her makeup ready. It all depends on her mood, which is fairly easy to read.

When she thinks its justified, Sasha rants. It may be about a spider (she hates those) that Roomie killed because it had the nerve to set foot inside her bedroom, or about someone creepy who stared at her when she was walking down the street. Sometimes it’s a television that got canceled, or a line at Starbucks because the idiot management team only had two baristas working that morning. She will own it and apologize for it later, as necessary. Agreeing with her only fuels the fire. Disagreeing with her when she’s all riled up could result in a towering inferno. Smiling and nodding is definitely the best way to go.

Sasha always feels like people are judging her, both for what she has and what she lacks. She tries to own up to who she is, and most of the time, really wants to prove herself as a decent human being. She wants people to want to be around her, but she knows that she hasn’t accomplished anything yet. She likes using the excuse that she’s young and has a lot of time to make her mark on the world, but really, she feels like she’s behind everyone else. She’s twenty-two years old and has never been in love, and isn’t sure where she’s going to end up career-wise. She’d like to believe that everything will work out, but there are no guarantees for her, and that makes her very nervous.

History: Sasha is a city girl. She’s twenty-two years old, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her roommate, after having chased after her best friend when he left New York City to go to college in California at age eighteen. Her parents, Daphne and Stuart, divorced when she was six. Sasha maintained a relationship with her mother after they split up and saw her several times a year, but they clash personality-wise because her mother is very controlling, and makes her feel inferior. She was always happiest with her father, and is very close to his family.

While she only has two aunts on her mom’s side, she has two aunts and two uncles on her father’s side. The Hoffman family owns a publishing company that Sasha never worked at, though the business and the family are a very important part of her life. She grew up with her aunts for babysitters, and her uncles teaching her how to negotiate with her father. Stuart never believed in leaving Sasha with a babysitter, instead opting to ask members of her family to watch her whenever he had to go out of town. The result is that Sasha is fairly close to her cousins, and even when she can’t stand them, she’s grateful to have them because she would have been a lonely little only child otherwise.

Sasha’s friendship with her best friend began when they were twelve years old. They met in a middle school hallway and hit it off right away. Miles isn’t the obvious match for Sasha. He’s a proud “jackass”, who is bitchy on a good day and unbearable on the bad ones. He’s quick to insult, and to find fault with people, but Sasha takes his insults because she knows he’s just blowing smoke. It helps that when Sasha takes something he says personally, he’s quick to backtrack and remind her that it’s not “like that” with them. The fact that she gets along with Miles easily (because he’s known for being difficult) makes Sasha feel special. She expects that they will be friends for the rest of their lives, and all of the evidence backs it up. The two of them dated from the time she was sixteen to shortly after she turned eighteen. They broke up during their senior year of high school, but the only difference between them now and them then is that they’ve stopped sleeping with each other.

Sasha is quick to tease Miles about their history, because the fact that she had a relationship with him proved that she’s capable of one. They never did fall in love with each other, though Sasha will say that she loves him in passing, because she does. She wasn’t the best student in high school, but put a lot of effort in and was happy with Bs for the most part. Her extracurriculars were cheerleading and student council. At her mother’s suggestion, she pursued modeling with a small degree of success. However, Sasha isn’t the right body type to become truly successful, and was often told she was too “commercial”. At first, nothing stood out for Sasha in college, and traveling around to for jobs resulted in her having to accept a “withdrawal” from many of her classes. She is behind in her education, and would not be graduating this year even if I didn’t want her to be pulled into Taxon, but currently, she’s exploring Public Relations, and is focusing on Reputation Management. Sasha’s father is the person who has always encouraged her not to get in over her head with modeling, and so he is hoping that she will get her degree in PR, if only because she’s very good at arguing, and the talent for negotiating seems to run in the family.

She has lived with her roommate, Shane, in a two-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles for four years. The two of them are close, and compliment each other’s personalities. He’s shy, she’s outgoing, and they spend a lot of time together. She gets him out of the house as needed; he keeps her grounded and tells her to stay home when he thinks she needs a break. Sasha and Shane don’t live together to split the rent, they both like the companionship. Sasha likes living in Los Angeles and exploring everything that the city has to offer. She’ll try new restaurants, clubs, and galleries, and go to concerts or special events with people. She dates, has a good time, and tries to make sure that the people around her are having fun, too.
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