Jul 24, 2006 21:58
Logical Reasoning
3. If Rachel does extremely well on the LSAT, either it's a freak accident, or her hard work paid off and she didn't even realize it until she received her score. Either way, the time she spent studying was not wasted. If Rachel does moderately well on the LSAT either she studied very hard or it was a freak accident, but she is unsure if the amount of money she spent on the course will be compensated for in the long run in other ways. If Rachel does not do well on the LSAT, then all of the studying she did was certainly wasted, as well as the $1249 spent on the course.
If all of the statements in the paragraph are true, then all of the following could be true EXCEPT:
a) Rachel did moderately well on the LSAT and knew it upon finishing the exam.
b) Rachel's extremely superb performance of which she is confident she would receive is due to the hard work devoted to studying for the exam.
c) Once she recieved the score, Rachel concluded that some of the time spent studying was wasted, but the money was not.
d) One example of a freak accident is an unusually easy exam on which all other test-takers perform uncharacteristically poorly.
e) Rachel has spent too much time working on all things LSAT related.
OK, so that was an easy one...but the moral of the story here is that I will be celebrating sometime around 2pm on September 30th--hopefully due to the anticipation of an excellent score, which if you've read the previous question, is not a possibility.