Hi everyone, this is kind of difficult to write since it's hard to concisely sum up everything that's going on! But I figured I'd try since I've read so much helpful advice on other people's posts.
In the most basic terms, I like a guy, I'm not sure if he likes me back, I'm not sure if I can handle the rejection if he doesn't. I know through mutual friends that he is notoriously bad with girls - like never able to make the first move, or even when they do he can't follow through on it - which apparently stems from his ex cheating on him with his best friend. Bearing all this in mind, I decided the best course of action was to become friends with him first so we could get to know each other. He plays in a band so I usually see him at gigs, we're on good terms and have friendly conversations. He knows I like him because one of my friends told his cousin. He doesn't seem bothered though, he'll always come up to talk to me and seems calm around me. I think he must at least like me as a friend since last Friday I (unintentionally) got drunk and he kept making sure I was okay, he lent me his jacket and was laughing at everything I said rather than just walking off in disgust or whatever!
Some of our conversation is flirtatious, particularly last time I saw him; I was fuelled with liquid courage I guess so I leant over and kissed his cheek when we were jokingly teasing each other. I felt embarrassed remembering it the next day but my friend said he didn't look embarrassed, he just smiled at me and carried on talking. He also kissed me on the cheek later on to say goodbye. Currently I don't know if he's interested or only likes me as a friend. I'm also feeling extremely wary since his friend (who I also know since he's been involved with my best friend) thinks it won't happen; he said just because this guy always messes up and he thinks it's most likely I'll get my feelings hurt.
So I guess my question is... should I cut my losses and avoid any hurt I might get from being rejected, or continue to see him anyway? I would really like to think there is hope since I have tried to go about things differently to other girls who have liked him, but I don't know if things will "mess up" as everyone seems to think they will... The logical part of me says I should calm down, see how it goes and listen to my instincts rather than other people... but I keep worrying!
I guess this wasn't short after all... so thanks for reading! :)