011 | video | Filtered to the Republic Military and Jedi of both Orders

Jan 05, 2012 20:39

[Onya, while not entirely pleased but that could be because of the Jedi filter BC wears a slight smirk as she makes this formal address.] I realize that I am only a captain [She practically spits that word out, though. In the background, Onya's ever faithful assistant wrings her hands nervously.] and that my command is merely over those Outworlders recently drafted, but I have been asked by my superiors to address you all to debrief you on the mission at hand.

As of recently, a small mission took place on Sernpidal, where a team was able to extract the coordinates to Revan's flagship. [Onya clasps her hands together, giving a smile that is a little bit more feral than necessary.] You heard me correctly, if you think that I must repeat myself. We have the coordinates, and we're preparing for a strike, right in his own yard, so to speak. I can't begin to tell you the immense pleasure this should bring us all, to go after our tormentor.

As we've been informed by the Jedi Council, we personally will not be leading the team on Revan's ship. [Onya practically growls these words. She wants nothing more in the galaxy to be the one to kill him, to rip him open, but that's a story for another time.] We are to provide support to the Jedi - a Bastila Shan - who will be taking on this dangerous mission, a duty no less important.

Your assignments will be sent to you all momentarily. [ see this post if you have not yet signed up your characters for the event/let us know what your character is doing.]

I hope that I do not need to ask for your discretion as we attempt this maneuver against the Sith Lord himself.

I'll see you soon, soldiers.

Captain Saffron, out.

npc - onya saffron

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