1st trick

Nov 08, 2011 21:09

[Sometimes incredibly buff men show up in Coruscant and destroy a droid while standing around letting women admire his abs.

This isn't one of those times.

George Oscar Bluth, more commonly called Gob, indeed tried to hit the droid that came up to him, but it just ended up with his knuckles hurting. And he may be in expensive-looking silk boxers, but his abs are far from rippling, though he'd deny it.

Currently he's standing in front of the camera, rubbing his knuckles and trying to come off as menacing.]

Listen, you kidnapping scumbags. You may not realise exactly who you've kidnapped. I'm Gob Bluth. That's right, of the Bluth Corp Bluths. I've got family. Powerful, wealthy family.

[He pulls the datapad up to his face suddenly, looking less... for lack of a better word, menacing, and instead just looking kind of panicked and scared.]

So ask them for a ransom already! They'll pay it, I promise!

☄gob bluth

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