
May 24, 2011 10:47

[Shiori is in the kitchen of her apartment, preparing some food.] I know that many of you saw Emer Ikuh's holocast. I just wanted to tell you not to be afraid. The Senate hasn't passed the Registration Bill, and they won't. I think it's because they understand us. So, don't be intimidated. But be safe. If anyone would like a walking buddy, I would be glad to -

[BOOM. Shiori is propelled forward, through the kitchen counter by the explosion. She hits the opposite wall hard. Debris lands on her moments later, from the ceiling, blown across the room from the kitchen, and from the wall she hit, collapsing onto her. All this is seen from the datapad, having landed more or less unscathed a short distance away. Fire rips through the apartment, the smoke making the camera's view hazy, but Shiori can still be seen face down under the debris.]

shiori sakita

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