005 Failed Plans [Video]

May 24, 2011 03:48

[High above the apartments, the view from the sky is fairly spectacular, aside from the damaged buildings below.  The familiar whine of his UFO fills the air, as Wily had emerged from his lab to survey all the noise and damage.  This is one of the few times the old man has ever been so calm.]

Well, well, well...  This is a problem, isn't it?  I can't very well let some puny fireworks show take out anyone who could possibly worship my greatness.  Now the only question remains is what caused this?  But first...

[The sound of keys being hit off panel are clearly audible, as well as Wily muttering various orders into a remote device.]

My body may not be nearly as powerful as my mind, but my machines can handle the dirty work.  Step aside, and let them do what I've programmed them to.  Then remember who it was that saw your lives barely fit enough to not be wasted.  Then you will know who to praise and admire!

[Anyone at the apartments might spot Wily's various robots tending to the injured and the destruction, all of them branded with a completely unsubtle symbol of his design.]

The great Albert W. Wily.

[And the recording ends.]

☄albert w. wily

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