Next to next to last day...

Aug 24, 2005 13:07

This will be short, as I'm supposed to be in the lab in a couple minutes. My manager offered me the morning off today, so I ended up getting in around 10:30. He looked at me, said "what are you doing here? It's still the morning." Whoops. I guess I just couldn't push myself to be THAT bad.

Anyway, I really need to start packing for my going back to school. Admittedly, I don't have too much to send... a box of clothes... box of stuff... box of computer (BOXX! Woo!). The majority of my stuff is in storage under Warren Hall, which is where I'm going to live this year.

Of course, despite the small amount of effort that is required, I still end up finding myself on the phone with Margaret any moment I'm not eating, sleeping, or at work. Can't seem to pry myself for even something as important as packing... wouldn't have it any other way!

Oh well. Tomorrow is my going away lunch. The entire team plus Kevin Farren is going do D's Wings. And, then, shortly after that, I make my presentation to 2nd level management. Ack! (Oh, just in case you can't tell - I love this company.)

Okay, enough spouting ... I need to listen to a couple more minutes of Rush then get into the lab.

Oh, wait! AAPL is up almost 3% on the day! Woohoo!


Wait! One more: 2-14-27-44-91-120-848.
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