This is an atrocity.

Apr 21, 2006 13:30


I can't fucking believe this. This goes alongside what that 6 year old gave me yesterday. Some dad was having their fucking kid passing out anti-abortion flyers and stuff. Adam took a sticky note and wrote "I am a tool" on it and stuck it to the kid later in the day. The dad apparently saw this came up and threatened his life. Ironic?

From Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
Your tax dollars are funding "crisis pregnancy centers" - to the tune of $60 million!

Take action now!

Whena 17-year-old Indiana girl walked into what she thought was a PlannedParenthood clinic, her mother and boyfriend beside her, she neverimagined that it was a trap - a deceitful setup by anti-choice zealots.

Youcan read her alarming story below - including how people from the fakeclinic came to her high school and publicly humiliated her - but it'snot an isolated incident.

The anti-choice movement is setting upso-called "crisis pregnancy centers" across the country. Some of themhave neutral-sounding names and run ads that falsely promise the fullrange of reproductive health services, but dispense anti-choicepropaganda and intimidation instead. And according to The New YorkTimes, there are currently more of these centers in the U.S. than thereare actual abortion providers!

A bill has just been introducedin Congress to stop the fraudulent practices of fake clinics, but itdesperately needs more support.

Tell your representative to take a stand: anti-choice extremists must not get away with this any longer!

TheStory: An Indiana mother recently accompanied her daughter and herdaughter's boyfriend to one of Indiana's Planned Parenthood clinics,but they unwittingly walked into a "crisis pregnancy center" run by ananti-abortion group - one that shared a parking lot with the realPlanned Parenthood clinic, and was designed expressly to lure ourpatients and deceive them.
The group took down the girl'sconfidential personal information and told her to come back for herappointment, which they said would be in their "other office" (the realPlanned Parenthood office nearby). When she arrived for herappointment, not only did the Planned Parenthood staff have no recordof her, but the police were there - the "crisis pregnancy center" hadcalled them, claiming that a minor was being forced to have an abortionagainst her will.
The "crisis pregnancy center" staff then proceededto wage a campaign of intimidation and harassment over the followingdays, showing up at the girl's home and calling her father's workplace.Our clinic director reports that she was "scared to death to leave herhouse." They even went to her school and urged classmates to pressureher not to have an abortion.

This cruel and fraudulentbehavior shows exactly what's behind the proliferation of thesecenters. That's why this new bill is so important: it would make itillegal for any entity to advertise abortion services if it does notprovide such services.

Worse yet - the Bush administration hasused $60 million in taxpayer dollars to fund these propaganda machines.This has got to stop!

Help bring attention to this outrageous practice. Please contact your representative today!

With your help, we can put an end to the fraud and deceit that women across America are facing in their most vulnerable moments.

Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

poltiics, abortion

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