Autumn Fruits Pie

May 04, 2006 20:28

so i just invented something i'm gunna call Autumn Fruits Pie:

quanities are variable depending on what you're cooking it in i suppose...

The essence of this is to make a pastry and then lightly stew whatever fruit is getting soft in your fridge and make it into a pie, but here's what i used

  • winter/autumn plums
  • apples
  • lemons
  • mandarins
  • fruit scented black tea (I used mango)
  • touch of cinnamon, nutmeg and some cloves
  • bit of brown sugar
thinkly slice the apples and plums. Lightly stew in some lemon juice and the tea (about a cup - though this leaves it quite wet and you might want to strain later). Add in some lemon rind, the spices and some brown sugar (adjust according to the tartness of the fruit and your own tastes). Throw some mandy segments in if you'd like to. I found the tartness of the homegrown mandies actually lessened the sweetness of my mixture. Make sure the fruit is still fairly firm to the bite.

  • 200g plain flour
  • 70g sugar (i used a mixture of brown and white)
  • 70g softened butter
  • 1-2 eggs
  • lemon and mandarin rind
  • squeeze of lemon juice
sift flour and sugar a few times. Knead in softened butter. Add egg(s) (amount depends on the dryness of your mixture, you want it looking pastry-y) and the lemon juice and rind. I also added a touch of vanilla essence.

So yeah, roll out your pastry, line your pie vessel and put your filling in, seal it up and pop in a 180C oven for about 20 minutes.


dessert, pie, fruit

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